UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Use the Upload button when posting a message, to upload your image

Also, I think a few status changes from unauthorized to forbidden can’t prove that this theory is wrong as the AO can be still making final decisions on a few applicants and after admitting some, their status would change.

Ok guys, here’s something that may be not everyone know, and I would say this is the proof of the portal myth.

Please repeat the process which gets your the page of forbidden/unauthorized, then click this link and see if you have your name upright in the corner of the page.


I would say that this is the real page for forbidden people to continue with their registration on CalNet.

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It says “An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.”

I would say that this is the real page for those people who get accepted and continue with their registration to CalNet. If you are admitted and logged in with your Map already, you shall see your name upright in the corner. Which means your info is already in their data base and you are allowed to continue with this.

Here is the proof of why this is the real page: Since you can click ‘log out’ after putting your mouse on your name, you will find that you return to the page of login with map, then the green button of set up CalNet ID, then the forbidden/unauthorized page.

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I have forbidden message. And in this link exactly my name is shown on the top.

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Hi James, I have the most timely experiment to your hypothesis of campusSolutions. I got Forbidden and Welcome/Slate. After I logged in, I can get access campusSolutions page with things like “set up your student ID” while my name is in the upper right corner. So I guess this is valid.

So according to this, those who have unauthorized message go this link won’t have a name on the top of the page, right?

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Could someone resend the strawpoll link?

Yes, every forbidden people got names there, and every unauthorized people don’t have their names there.

Basically, forbidden people only need the Student ID to finish the final step of registering for CalNet.


Can anybody tell why
my page is totally different, it say:" the Calcentral does not currently recognize your login"?

I can corroborate on this one. Berkeley seemed to upload their decisions 6 days before Early Release dropped. The accept my offer task on my CalCentral was given on Feb 3 while stuff specific to me (AP Exams) were requested 2 days before decisions released.

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U clicked on the wrong link.

Isn’t the:calcentral.berkeley.edu? I saw people on some where else used this but still got right.

thanks @RoutesLikeKeenan. Basically repeating what you said, this is consistent with what was mentioned earlier re: last years admissions, and tasks being uploaded into what effectively is CalCentral prior to a student being notified of their admission.

Yep - also happy cake day!


Supposed to be: bpr.calnet.berkeley.edu/account-manager/

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Friend of mine who already got admitted into Berkeley earlier this year + MET program also got Forbidden when he did this.

Can u provide more info about Student ID? Is it sent in email when ppl get admitted? If so, the link you attached should be a proof of acceptance

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