UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

thank you, yes HUGE celebration over here celebrating my 3 yr anniversary on College Confidential - we got a DJ, there’s a full bar. Really went all out. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No, this is not an E-mail link from anyone, I’ve asked Max Chen, the Cal26’, to prove that when he got accepted, he clicked the link from Map and directed him to this page to finish the registration of CalNet ID. And after registering the CalNet ID, he is able to login to CalCentral.

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Oh I see, appreciated

So is it basically over for us “non-authorized”

I got forbidden, and currently am on wait-list at UCLA, as well as acceptances with various honors/scholarships at other UCs.

Got it. So basically admitted needs to follow two different steps:

  1. Get acceptance email, set up Student ID
  2. Use Student ID to register CampusSolutions

And now it’s asking for Student ID means that people have already been admitted to the school. Their name is in the database but they haven’t set up their ID yet so they are one step from finishing everything.

Hmm, seems like this astrology holds thus far, however, I don’t believe this can be fully confirmed until closer to the admissions day (tomorrow or Wednesday). This astrology can either indicate acceptance/rejection, or we might be completely wrong and it could be an indicator of admissions just being loaded onto the portal. Above, I saw a comment stating that some people’s pages changed from unauthorized to forbidden, so who knows.


Does anybody know how early Berkeley usually loads their decisions into the portal prior to admissions day? Do they do it over a series of days?

like about 4 days or so, based on and early admit this year, and a Freshman who got in last year. both had “Accept your offer of admission” tasks in their CalCentral accounts that were uploaded 4 days prior to decision day.

The theory (401, 403) behind this is damn good since it was first brought up yesterday afternoon.

Folks like us (unauthorized), I guess can only hope for waitlist at the best or some unfinished uploads or some pending programming tasks in the backend.

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what happened? has this astrology been proven?

Yeah bro I think it is. I logged into the page where students set up their campus services and saw my name in the upper right corner.

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hey guys plz try this link:

click “sign in to campus solution”

do you see your name and ID on the top right corner

PS: Before you go straight into the link, please do the Forbidden/Not Authorized thing again. So that the Cal database knows it’s you who logged in.

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I got forbidden and see my name at that page. Does that mean anything ?

whoa. That shows you your student ID number too? so effectively you could set up your calnet acct, then probably get a berkeley.edu email address, and maybe even access your tasks in calcentral. As in, right now. before admissions come out.

But there’s only my name, no id has shown

There is NO ID shown. Because ID will be registered through a link that will be posted on the application release date.

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but I see an ID under my name

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i see my id