UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

From what I can tell on CC, oftentimes it is the parents clicking all the buttons and not necessarily the applicant.


guilty as charged. But hopefully a parent has full permission from their student, and would know not to do anything unwise

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just wondering if anyone had an “unauthorized” before which then turned into “forbidden”?

Have people ruled out Forbidden being Waitlisted?

it is more about student ID now

Any astrology from the ID?

Some said yes. But I’m doubting that they are actually always forbidden, but they just clicked the wrong link and led to a wrong “unauthorized” page. But later on they found the right link and get forbidden. So question should be: is anyone that they were sure about they got a right unauthorized page and then turned to a right forbidden page? Even if it does, it just means Berkley is still reviewing some applications and those people are turned to be accepted.

Did people who see forbidden / have student ID all apply to the same colleges? I was wondering if there’s a chance that they are uploading decisions by colleges.

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Following this logic, I don’t think Berkley will put waitlisted applicants into the database. So I think waitlisted is likely to get unauthorized.

I have not authorized but have a student ID. I applied L&S


Wow. This portal astrology board has blown up. Has even cannibalized the regular Berkeley admissions board. Has the portal astrology been confirmed?

Have you taken other courses at Berkeley before? Like summer school? Or are you sure you are on the right “unauthorized” page that contains a white font of “You are not allowed to view this page.” in an orange box and a black font of “CalNet Account Manager” above the orange box?

Sorry it’s my mistake. It should be the right “unauthorized” page that contains a black font of “Sorry, you are not authorized to use this application” in a yellow box and a black font of “CalNet Account Manager” above the yellow box.

Haven’t taken any courses at all at Berkeley. I definitely see “Sorry, you are not authorized to use this application” in Calnet and all the other details you said. I saw my id on auth.berkeley.edu/cas/login starting with 3039

Maybe u used the wrong link for unauthorized

What’s the correct link? I tried multiple times yesterday to see if I did but it was all not authorized

That’s wried bc until now, we haven’t found anyone that they get exactly “unauthorized” page will have a student ID


I’ll resend the images. Had some personal info in there

■■■ why did u use your ID to sign in

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