UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

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UC Berk is 10: Student Records - Cal Student Central

i saw an id until 1 hour ago and I’m unauthorized

Yeah yours is False True True. Depends on the second set.

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the second lines sounds like waitlist, and the first line sounds like admission LOL.
because they said they won’t refund the deposit fee

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thats weird. if all of us got changed from forbidden to unauthorized, that definitively indicates Berkeley is fixing it one by one

Thanks, the problem is you are drawing people in and creating false hopes and literally telling people “probably rejected” and stuff like that you are just hurting people, sure discuss what you think but don’t give people false hopes :slight_smile:

it says “login successful” to that link from earlier idk what that means

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That’s kind of the whole point…

what exactly are u expecting people to say? “Maybe”? for everything?

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Your student ID is located on the CalCentral profile page. Click on your name in the top right corner. Select “Profile” to view your assigned ten-digit student ID number.

Or don’t draw people in with theories that have little to no fact backing them up

If you can’t handle such messages then you shouldn’t be in here lmao. The whole point of this portal astrology is to uncover early signs of your decision, therefore this is no problem with connecting the dots and attempting to predict one’s decision.

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Okay please stop judging the astrology. Just treat this as a myth and don’t put too much hope on this. For me I just treat it as a detective game. And let’s keep talking about the astrology. Don’t cover off some infos that other people may needed above.

Has ID , but unauthorized. It should not be WL. People on WL is not necessary assigned an ID. So, I guess it is an applicant ID

Ok, CAl 1 card is 8-digits per chatGPT

Not the same thing as student ID lmao

can false false true be either rej or wl?

go check the post wheere Max_Chen posted earlier.
he’s an admitted student in 26fall, he confirmed that the id is definitively the student ID

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The question is does every applicants get that student id.

only forbiddens can get into SiS

Guys is campus solutions for staff only? I saw on the berk website

Then how do us students have the id through the portal astrology?