UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Were you able to access your ID through SIS?

Does anyone have #2?

What is #2

Can you send the link, i dont know what SIS is

“I wish to withdraw my app from further consideration”

i feel that the campus solutions/forbidden hack may not be totally accurate cuz they seem really random. they’re also newer astrology hacks so idk abt their accuracy. but the withdraw button has worked for multiple years now and i’d say it’s the most conclusive of all of these, especially since the withdraw button’s statuses have been pretty mixed between everyone in this chat

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this person had #2. can u post an ss

No I had number 1

Was anyone unauthorized and have access to withdraw?


Here: CAS - Central Authentication Service

if anyone has waitlist PLEASE POST

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I have number 1 but was I don’t have access to this link. I think that means wait-list.

no one knows what their decision is definitively

Given that no one has #2 rn, it’s likely that the withdraw from is the same for accepted and wait-list and the plausible way to tell the difference is the campus solutions/forbidden thing

maybe. but we also haven’t asked enough ppl yet to decide. rn it’s late so there’s only been a few who’ve said

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I have access to number 2

send SS!!

So you’re withdraw says “I wish to withdraw my app from further consideration” ??? Pls send a ss!

This seems wrong for this year.

I think given that a lot of people with Forbidden are seeing True, True, False for “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.” as the prompt in View Page Source, I think this is the text that will eventually show up for Acceptances.

Also that wording seems to indicate acceptance more than " I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.” ← but i think this is what everyone sees right now so it might change

no that’s what i meant, i just typed it differently but #1 is always along the lines of “i will not be attending”/ “i M not interested in attending”. i didn’t type it word for word
 we have the same argument that forbidden, i will not be attending, and the source code all maybe indicate acceptance. i just typed the “i will not be attending/i am not interested in attending” in a different way bc i didn’t type that word for word. we have the same argument :skull: