UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

just paste the false true part

it’s only the line above where it says “RETIRED prompts”

uh i dont see retired prompts THEREFORE i think i am reading the wrong thing!

just paste the true false part and we will look at that

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FW.$(window).scrollTop(event.data.query[‘embed’] != null ? embedElement.offset().top : 0); embedElement.html(event.data.html); } } catch(ex) { } FW.Progress.Unload(); } }, false); window = true; }/]]>/<script
uh dont even know if im looking at the right thing…
this is why i take chem not cs

its wrong

just go on that withdraw page on berkeley portal and then inspect source code once u get to the withdraw website that u said you weren’t authorized to see

{return ((true) || (false));
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (true) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:[“===RETIRED Prompts===”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false);
}},{“prompts”:[“I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (true);

FTT looks like this

ah i see i see none of this when i view the page source thing

its at the end

mm for context, have u gotten into other UC’s or other colleges rn?

if you’re not authorized to see the withdraw page, it’s a reject. you wont see FTT or FFT

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ok my bad

yup ive gotten into all of them (UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCSB) got waitlisted at UCSC tho…


ok under retired, mine says return (false) && (true). i was forbidden, got the ID, got the withdraw status, and have gotten into ucla out of state and rice university (oos, test optional, so my ec’s essays and gpa were strong, which berkeley also goes off of these too since they dont use sat testing either)
*edit: above retired, i have false true true

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look above retired, not under

ayy go bruins

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ah im in state and actually live in sf, right across the bridge from UCB~ was hoping that i could get in but im accepting a reject! heading off to sleep now haha

false true true

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u good i thnk