UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

well if this is accurate i think i have gotten berkeley eecs, before this my best pick was georgia tech cs

are you instate in california? also tech is a great school, i live in georgia

im actually an asian international

ive gotten into rice and ucla so far and according to astrology, possibly berkeley too. im also waiting on 3 decisions from emory and the ivies. but itll be literally so hard trying to decide between schools, i’m always really indecisive even abt the smallest things

yeah georgia tech cs is T5, only stan berk mit and cmu are better, got rejected from mit and waitlisted at cmu, so hope for berk and stanford

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Ok so for acceptances, it has landed is here, per the 1500+ posts:

  1. When you go to the calnet acct manager, login using MAP@Berkeley credentials, you should see FORBIDDEN. Additionally, the end of the url should read 

2)In your MAP@Berkeley portal, when you click the “withdraw application” button, it should open a page that says Withdraw Application Request Form, with an option to check a box and button to withdraw your application.

3)on this same Withdraw Application Request Form page, when you inspect the source code, below the line that reads “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form), you should have a line of code reading:
{return (false) && (true) && (true);

EDITED to remove the SIS/ID bit of information, as it turns out that may NOT be definitive for acceptance.

additional notes
-those who are unable to access the withdraw app form and that have the pop up that says “unauthorized to withdraw” are likely rejected.
-all those who are authorized to see the withdraw app are either waitlisted or accepted. to tell whether you’re waitlisted or accepted, then check the source code on the withdraw page. FTT= accepted, but FFT= waitlist


yes. with the clarification that the False True True is the second line directly above RETIRED


The first time i entered the calnet acct I got forbidden now it says set up your account is it a problem?

is it not also the line that is directly below will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)?

also, there have been many, even those who were unauth/forbidden and withdraw form or not, who have got into the SID and seen their ID number. we realized that berkeley makes the id’s for everyone, but only some of them are actually loaded in their system to be used as official ID’s. so the ID number things isn’t as accurate of a predictor, since ppl who’ve gotten forbidden and unauth have all had ID numbers. however, everyone so far who’s had forbidden also had the FTT statement and was able to access their withdraw portal. as of now, the most accurate predictor is the withdraw form (it has worked for years now) and the unauth/forbidden thing possibly too could be accurate, since there’s been a direct correlation between forbbiden+FTT. the SID number things is more random and everyone, no matter their portal or other unauth/forbidden, seem to have gotten it, so there was no direct correlation w that


I’m not sure. Sorry.

OK, I will amend that part.
Also, Is my description of where the FTT line is located correct?

The withdraw application page is telling me “our records indicate you are not authorized to submit this form”. Does that mean rejection?

anyone is forbidden but have FFT?

I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem to signify anything with acceptance, but I don’t know about waitlist.

when you see unauthorized for withdrawing, it signifies rejection.

however, all those who got authorized to see the withdraw app are either waitlisted or accepted. to tell whether you’re waitlisted or accepted, then check the source code on the withdraw page. FTT= accepted, but FFT= waitlist

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you’re likely waitlisted. forbidden likely is correlated with acceptances/waitlists. if you have forbidden+FTT=acceptance. fobidden+FFT=waitlist

also add that those who are unable to access the withdraw app form and that have the pop up that says “unauthorized to withdraw” are likely rejected

u could possibly also add this info:
when you see unauthorized for withdrawing, it signifies rejection.

however, all those who got authorized to see the withdraw app are either waitlisted or accepted. to tell whether you’re waitlisted or accepted, then check the source code on the withdraw page. FTT= accepted, but FFT= waitlist

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Got FFT and unauthorized so it looks like waitlist then. Narrows her options down to UCLA, NYU, UMICH, and Northeastern. We’re good. :slight_smile:

So Forbidden now is not enough?