UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Nope, solely promotional; don’t read into the emails too much. For what it’s worth, I got hardly any emails from UCLA (no alumni scholarship application invitation (still surprises me tbh because everyone I know got the email RIP), no bruin bound etc.) and I still got in on Friday.


Ah. Ok. Thanks and Congratulations.

Probably went into their spam folder

on the same events page as posted above, there is now a link to register for Cal Day on April 22nd. I was not able to access it with my daughter’s account. “access denied”. Still may be a ways out until they connect decisions with MAP@Berkeley accounts. (hoping, anyway)

Decisions come out on the 30th. 9 days seem too early. Maybe wait another week

Yes. Last year it was about 4-5 days before when some noticed that they could register.


So a note about Cal Day registration…My daughter was able to register BUT the confirmation email she received was for Cal Day 2022, not 2023. So they are still working on it and it is not really ready to accept registrations yet for anyone…

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Did she get an early acceptance?



Oh. Makes sense

My point is just that they are still uploading even the general Cal Day info (they have the old 2022 info as a placeholder), so I wouldn’t read anything into current “astrology” about whether you can or can’t register. Although they have apparently uploaded early admits, they are still working on updating the info so likely wouldn’t have updated the March 30 admits yet making any astrology at this point faulty.


My son (Current Freshman) Can register as well, and it is for the 2022 Cal Day, like you say. If I had to guess, I’d say it will go the same as last year. Maybe a Monday or Tuesday “signal”. I don’t think Cal will change anything in their process, because I don’t think they really care if students (and parents - guilty!) want to mess around with this kind of investigating.

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Why does 9 days feel like an eternity??!!


So true :sob:


Yeah, I get access denied as well when I try to register. Does everyone else get that message too?


They probably haven’t connected any account to decisions yet.

are you tracking the source code on the withdraw page? has anything changed there?

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I last checked on Sunday, and nothing had changed then. What about you? Also, are you able to sign up for Cal day with the link above?

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Access denied here as well.

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What about your source code?

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