UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

i believe F T T is what you wanna look for in the last line

Not sure, but I just noticed that my portal has 4 addresses now LOL?

So from what I’ve read, the Cal day signup thing works, but because decisions haven’t been uploaded yet, it doesn’t indicate anything. When do we expect decisions to be uploaded Monday 27th?

Last year, someone tried to be too honest and emailed Cal about people registering for this event. They took down the website shortly after. I doubt it’ll work this year

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True, however, I’d think it working for early admits and current students may be a good sign that it works. But yes, slim chance.

I applied for the MET program and got the video profile/interview invite. However, I didn’t get into MET.

I’m wondering if getting the invite means anything about chances for regular CoE since I believe only a few get the invite. Anyone with any knowledge on this?

It has zero impact on your COE chances. If anything a MET interview invite is a good sign.

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Someone said that getting the MET interview is a “soft acceptance” to CoE? Not true right?

According to the MET FAQ’s:

Applicants who are not admitted to the M.E.T. program will automatically be considered for admission to Berkeley Engineering’s BioE, CE, EECS, IEOR, MSE, or ME majors. However, admission to these majors is not guaranteed.

makes sense. Do we know how many people get the MET interview invite?

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Sorry I do not have that information.


I don’t think anyone knows if its a soft acceptance. My son applied for MET and didn’t get the interview invite, but he did get into COE. So, I know its not a negative and probably a slight positive to be invited.


i still only have two–do others have 4 addresses?

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Dating back to 2019-2020, the duplicate 2/4 addresses thing never panned out into any kind of correlation with acceptances. It’s not a productive area of focus. I am not a CS person, so I can’t speak to source code theories. The only thing that I ever saw with a definitive correlation was/is the newly admitted student event registration. Last year, it matched to acceptances/denials with pretty much 100% accuracy. This started about 4 days before notification day.


To be precise, people started to post here that they could register for the admitted student events at around 5:30pm on Monday, March 21, 2022. There was mention of it earlier in the day on reddit apparently. I never looked at those posts.


Yes and I think decisions were released on the 24th last year, correct? So maybe no portal signs til next week?

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Thurs March 24th correct. Last year it was almost exactly at 3:15 pm.

How do you have 4 addresses?

A few years ago, that was a good sign. Last year, it did not prove to indicate anything.