UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

It’s concerning for sure to see that many ppl with FTT. I know what you mean. I thought this too


Makes you go, Hmmm :thinking:

Please share your stats

does an “our records indicate that you are not authorized to access this page” mean that you are rejected?

send ss? is this when you try to click withdraw application?

yeah, thats the page it takes me to when i click withdraw application

It’s likely because of sample bias. Both early admits and FTT had the same forbidden messages.

yeah it’s quite high, but i bet the rest have cleared out.

if ur on a college confidential forum, ur prob a nerd (me included), so prob just sampling bias

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honestly the whole Astro thing has been going on for so long and all the unauthorized peeps have left

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Well it looks like according to astrology it’s a no at UCB. Very high stats (Calc in middle school), meaningful extracurriculars, ton of fives on APs and a lot of DE. Still a no here by all indication.

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What major

The only concern is that people reported having the withdraw message be: I will not be going to UCB….
instead of I am not interested in attending UCB….

I still have the 2nd message and have forbidden, access SIS, ID. Do many have the former message?

is there an SS of the former

i have the no longer interested one

This is where I saw the msg

I haven’t seen anyone with the former yet


^^ @Tricia_Montoya look at this post, i think the commenter was just confused what i was referring to, bc when i asked again, he said he did have the “no longer interested” message on the withdraw form. i think he thought i was talking about the source code (and how the source code has two messages)

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Ohh gotcha okay thanks

what time do decisions come out tomorrow?

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