UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

does anyone have source code where it says “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission” and has it FTT

for the source code, i think i do

u have FTT for line 46???

wait nvm I don’t I was looking at the wrong thing

does this mean rejected most likely?

Yea it looks like it

Since I got rejected from Berkeley… Anyone know if I can transfer in between the UC’s

You can do an inter-campus transfer. However, the a transfer to Berkeley (UCLA, UCSD, UCSB) is generally only allowed for a very specific reason (i.e. medical reason). The rationale is that you are already at a UC and receiving a great education.

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Oh wow, I’m looking at the distribution of the result from the poll. There’s probably still some bias in it though

Engineering physics

yeah, but like, would the bias be THAT large? and skew the data THAT much? i feel our sample is biased but idk how significant the bias is to make such a large proportion of FTT

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Thank you! Lol i’m trying to see where my next steps are because for some reason I had some hope for Berkeley

unauthorized and no withdraw form people how are we feeling :pensive: cuz I’m not good but this was a good pre-rejection I guess

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I was thinking the same

The supposed waitlist category (FFT) is extremely small…

I’m just going to stay skeptical and wait until tomorrow :woman_shrugging:

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no access to withdraw form, that means rejection right? anyway, I’m going to ucla

My friend got forbidden + FFT…. Does this means waitlist?

Can people with FFT access SIS?

embrace the fact now, very chill

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