UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023


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Not sure now. Who knows. The poll has thrown me for a big loop


So I have withdrawl option, FTT, SIS, and Forbidden. What does this mean with the information we have?

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Can she access this link


Poll numbers reflect admit and waitlist numbers released by Berkeley. In 2022 the data was as follows:
Total Admit students: 14,614
Total Waitlist Offered: 8,456

Therefore, poll numbers of FTT vs. FFT consistent with numbers of actual admit vs.to waitlist.


What does it mean to be able to access this with MAP credentials?

u can c ur student id

I got to Unrecognized Login page

what’s the link to where people see forbidden?

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It means that cal has set up some kind of account for an applicant. Trying to distinguish if both people from FTT and FFT have an sis account or if it’s just FTT

I can see it

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She could sign in see her student id and the name, but it’s not the SIS page but shows Alumi Homepage because she attended summer program before

this is probably not possible. They were most likely looking at the wrong “false false true” because that will always be that but its the code afterwards thats variable for some folks

Both line 46 and 48 shows FFT


The False, False, True code should look something like this :point_down:

}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:[“===RETIRED Prompts===”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false);
}},{“prompts”:[“I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false);

Yes that’s what she has

ok but according to this logic from common data set, the reject category should make up the biggest proportion–but our polls largest proportion are those who we assume to be accepted. the largest category on our poll we assume to be accepted, but in reality, cds says the largest category are rejects. so how do we also assume that the poll’s waitlist categories reflect common data set’s numbers when our accept/reject proportions don’t even reflect the data?
obv we have sampling bias but i think that throws the logic off abt the poll’s waitlist and categories reflecting real common data set proportions


this is mine too

people who received the reject projection left long ago.

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