UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

yes there’s a sampling bias, but how can we also be sure that the poll accurately reflects the waitlist proportions too? cause all the proportions on the poll don’t seem to reflect common data set at this point

Can you access the forbidden link?

it seems to be salient because at least these people still have their waitlist options intact. People who arent authorized likely gave up hope

Some of the highest competitive people at my school all got forbidden at the beginning and these include people accepted into Harvard, Yale, MIT, and USC. Its tomorrow anyways guys

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what is the forbidden link?

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a poll done much longer ago evaluating forbidden vs not authorized found a proportion much more similar to berks acceptance rate. If we assume that all forbiddens have ftt then our results are still good.

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SIS: https://(remove)bcsweb.is.berkeley.edu/

Forbidden/Not Authorised: https://(remove)bpr.calnet.berkeley.edu/account-manager/

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Why is it that the waitlist category is so small then? Usually, there are a lot of waitlists on a typical CC forum.

SIS: Your account hasn’t been created yet.
Please try again later.

For/Not: Not Authorized


2nd link shoes 10 digit id, @bekeley.edu email, etc
No forbidden or not authorized

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But weird thing is that my friend has forbidden, and can access the withdrawal form, but the source code is FFT in both 46 and 48. Does this happened to anyone?

Were you FFT?

I never clicked that link to check javascript and will not until results come out tmrw. Don’t want to jinx it

second link shows this

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dang can’t post images

Do others have this? Mine is still forbidden

I have the same + can see withdraw form still. but fr, who wrote this code and what is the weird variable that links waitlist to seeing the withdraw form, lol

just copy and paste the code

so people who has FFT also has not authorized in the calnet link?

interesting, I haven’t heard of this one yet