UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

i mean some ppl have said that but ended up reading the code wrong, so don’t believe that immediately

oh I see, so its likely that this person’s friend had FTT…? (and read it wrong)

no my friend has FFT in both line 46 and 48, I’ve checked many times

and sees forbidden? seems unlikely based on all the other responses so far

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yeah, there have been like 30+ ppl and no one has had that, it just seems unlikely. like it would throw our whole logic/theory off

are you TFF + can access withdraw?

Yes… but one thing is that if she sign in directly in the calnet and using the map id it would show the home profile page of her information (she attended summer program before and few people who also attended showed same thing).

But when she using this url: https:(slash slash)bpr.calnet.berkeley.edu/ account-manager/82
She could see the forbidden by sign in with the map id. I’m not sure if it’s the same link though

well ive said this a few times alr but FTT, forbidden, access waitlist, ID number

also accepted to ucla out of state and Rice university out of state, with test-optional. so bc i did not submit SAT, my essays, ec’s, gpa, AP’s had to be really good, and this is also what berkeley evaluates off of since they don’t use sat

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come on guys, its just less than 24 hours. we are soo close to UCB


hahaha ikr, there’s rly no point in observing this anymore since it’s so close. it’s kinda just a waste of time. but it’s fun

will you guys post your result here? tmr? plz do, at least i want to know if the astrology is accurate or not

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How do you access waitlist form? Can anyone send the link?

its on your portal, right bottom corner

But there’s someone who’s able to see Berkeley email on the forbidden page now. Do you also have that?

i think that our logic/theory doesn’t really apply the same way to people who previously attended berkeley camps so that explains the difference with your friend’s result.
our logic about forbidden+FTT has held up

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I only saw withdraw application

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So we essentially discovered a new strategy this year. Go to https://(remove)bpr.calnet.berkeley.edu/account-manager/ and check if forbidden or not authorized. Results align with previous year strategies. Maybe this could also hold for next few years, but at least it enables future years to cross check and see if any methods were patched.

So how we supposed to access waitlist form? Cuz I didn’t see mine on my portal

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it’s not a waitlist form it’s a withdraw form

does the student id same as the campus solution id? 10 digits