UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Also does anyone has forbidden but shows the login/denied in end of the url?

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ppl who attend course at berk before may not suitable for this astrology actually bc it’s normal that the information of an applicant that took course at berk before is loaded into system. That’s prob why she can access to the system but just doesn’t allow to see that page. Bc that page is for UG admitted students.

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login/denied on forbidden page? That’s 100% due to the summer program.
I started to follow this astrology since last weekends so I’m familiar all the cases. Applicants who attend summer program before all got login/denied on forbidden page instead of “welcome/SLATE”

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As long as she got FFT on line 48, that’s probably waitlisted. The forbidden vs. unauthorized page isn’t applied to ppl like her

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Thanks! Do u have any idea why she has FFT though


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Hey, this is the appeal form from last year. Anyone able to access it and see it? If you can it’s most likely indicating a rejection.


As I said that’s prob waitlisted. Bc based what we have now, all FFT ppl gets exactly the same results of unauthorized and can’t access to SIS (assume we don’t consider summer school ppl). Therefore, the FFT vs. FTT theory can be concluded as an independent theory.

how to distinguish waitlist ppl from accepted ppl? By this theory only? I heard the code was fixed last year but not sure

i cant access waitlist form and i see “unrecognized login”, is this probably rejection?

Based on what we have now, code does work. Because the different codes (FFT or FTT) all correspond the previous guesses that we relied on SIS and CalNet Setup page.

*withdraw form

Our current theory supports this conclusion

So no one other than the person above has a Berkeley email when they log into the forbidden/unauthorised page?

To make sure FTT only appears to students who got forbidden, right?

Yep, except for ppl who attended summer school before. Bc those people no matter what code they get, they will all have forbidden page due to their summer records. But for FTT people, on the forbidden their url will end up with “welcome/SLATE”. For summer ppl url will end up with “access denied”.

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where do you find ftt or fft

You are the best thank you !

If you didn’t get forbidden does that mean you you have no chance of acceptance?

Lol you are welcome, it’s everyone’s efforts made this astrology valid

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