UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023




Agree. Astrology is astrology, it shouldn’t make your hope off and don’t get too much pressure on it


ok everyone had the exact same status on their withdraw form up until LAST NIGHT. berkeley started uploading decisions yesterday, adn that’s when everyone’s status on the withdraw started changing. before they uploaded decisions, everyone had the same default status. after last night, ppl’s withdraw forms changed, which means berkeley uploaded decisions. ppl whose form changed to unauthorized means that berkeley likely uploaded a rejection.
–>there have been many ppl who asked, “I accessed the withdraw from up til last night i got unauth??” But it’s bc berkeley didn’t upload decisions til last night/yesterday, and that’s when the withdraw statuses started changing. before yesterday, EVERYONE could access the form

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that doesn’t make sense to me because how were people able to see forbidden vs un authorized BEFORE that

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based on the whole method decisions were posted 2 days before bc NO ONE went from unauth → forbidden

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Does anyone actually have access to the appeal form?

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Has anyone been able to access the appeal form???

They uploaded their decisions yesterday, so our portals changed, but that doesn’t mean Berkeley can’t set up all these accounts such as Calnet ID for students beforehand. And according to Berkeley’s statement “student information is uploaded to the Calnet database as soon as they are admitted”; so, logically, the forbidden/unauthorized thing should happen before they upload their decisions to our portals, which is when the withdrawal form starts to differ for people


Whenever I try to test out the forbidden/unauthorized “hack”, it just logs me into my account stating “Welcome (my name)”. Idk how to actually view the unauthorized/forbidden feature.

Have you attended any Berkeley related classes?

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No I haven’t, but I did make an account because I was interested in enrolling in summer courses.

Same here, I think it’s best to just wait till tomorrow:) gl!


Thank you, you too:) just curious but are you able to access the withdrawal form, is it a trustworthy indicator?

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I was, but not sure how trustworthy that is as an indicator, seeing that nothings official

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What’s the appeal form?

I’m unauthorized to access it

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i dont think anyone can access the appeal form


so if i can still see my withdraw button, that’s a good sign.

i wish every the best luck. we r going to go to UCB together right? GO BEARS!

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Wish yall luck man I think I can speak for all of us to say this week been crazy