UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

u too my bro. its finally be an end for this mentally messy week.

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I have the same thing.

I have fft for both 46 and 48. Not authorized. Is this wait list?

what r u supposed to do? how do I check this

Good luck to everyone here tmr!!!

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  1. Go to MAP@Berkely (Admissions portal)
  2. Click Withdraw Application
  3. If you can click it and a check box comes up, that indicates you have been waitlisted or accepted
  4. Cntrl u or Right click–> View page Source on the page and look for FFT (False, False, True) or FTT (False, True, True) on line 48 FTT likely means admission and FFT = Waitlist maybe.
  5. https://bcsweb.is.berkeley.edu/ go here and log in with your MAP login and see if a ID had been created for you

I could check the box up until 24 hours ago. Bummer. I really wanted to get in. Was rejected by every UC. :sob:

Has anyone who previously got the screen with the ID referenced for step 5 before tried it recently this morning?

Yep, nothing changes


I noticed that no one has mentioned it yet, but my source code has changed from FFT to FTT since around sunday/monday when i first checked. Good luck to y’all! I hope everyone gets the results they deserve, since it’s also ivy day.

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Really? How about your forbidden/unauthorized page or can you get access to SIS?

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UCB appeal info:
2022 Appeals: Counselor conference data
Appeals received: 1240
Appeals granted: 4

2021 Appeals:
Appeals received: 1617
Appeals granted: 9


can you try the appeal form ? we want to see if it allows the FFT and unath ppl to appeal

Anyone knows whether FFT/FFT theory is applied for last year? I know last year on withdrawal page they identified the admission result by different statements, but does source code also worked?

I was able unable to access the appeal form even though i was unauth

I was not able to access the appeal form.

I can see an ID created, didn’t participate in any summer program.

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Forbidden + SIS Website 10 Digit ID + FTT on Withdraw code. should i be in today?