UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

I hope when decisions do come out today, you all will jump on the main thread to let us know your official results.

Good luck, everyone! Whatever happens, it’s not the end - it’s only the beginning of an exciting new chapter in your life. Life can take some twists and turns along the way, but you will end up in the right place in the end.


got u bro

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interesting, is this accurate?

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only if someone could access it. I think as of right now, no one can.

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Can access form but message says not authorized.
Have Forbidden/SID/FTT

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I get the same now too. I can log in and then it takes me to this exact form


I have the same. does it mean a rejection?

I think everyone has this lol

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oh, ok. thx!

is there anyway to check for the astrology thing atm? i am so confused and scared at the same time…

Says not authorized to access form, and that this form only available to those that were denied*, implying not denied. I guess we will know in a few more hours

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Decisions come out in 4 hours lmao. To pass the time, imagine a new color, or attempt to levitate. Work on these tasks intently until you have succeeded or 4 hours has passed

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Here is a nice cat video to calm our nerves


Just a few more hours, relax… Don’t worry about the astrology. Regardless of what happens, its not the end of the world. Take it in your stride and move on … this is not worth so much fear and anxiety …
Whatever will be, will be …


My portal just changed. I couldn’t withdraw my app and now I can

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yea same, ig that doesn’t mean much though

Did you also see forbidden before?

wdym “just?” like today? or a few days ago? bc many ppl’s withdraw portal changed a few days ago

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I can view the withdraw form now