UC Berkeley supplemental questionnaire

Hi guys, this morning I checked my email and noticed that UC Berkeley sent me an email requesting that i fill out a supplemental questionnaire for a physical/ mental condition. What does this mean for my admissions process, my recieving this email does that mean that Berkeley is seriously considering me, should I take this as a good sign or did i just get the questionnaire because i mentioned a condition. Im beginning to ramble, anyways what I’m trying to ask is is this an indication that I stand a decent chance at acceptance? Thanks, hopefully this discussion will help others in my shoes. :slight_smile:

This isn’t one of the audits, is it?

Hey Word1238, I got this too! I’ve been doing a lot of digging on this website and it looks like they have 3 types of questionnaires sent out: One for mental/physical disabilities, one for special achievement/talent, and one for borderline students. They don’t sent a lot of these out, so I would take it as a REALLY good sign (go us!!). A lot of people said that this questionnaire is what got them admitted, so I would take it very seriously.

I got 2 questionnaires ( the mental/physical disability and the borderline)

I got the disability questionnaire, but I’m confused about the sending grades part
like some of my teachers haven’t told me my grade in their class: should i just tell Berkeley the ones I have received? Or does Berkeley want the official report card grades?

Hey Piaroo thats awesome! So far I’ve only gotten the disability questionaire, im pretty nervous haha Berkeley is a reach school for me but i think i still have a chance so this will likely decide whether or not I will be admitted :-S

I would just report the ones you have recieved and mention that you havent recieved final grades in some classes

My son got disability supplement. What do we need to report in a disability supplement?
The diagnoses? The symptoms?