UC Berkeley & UCLA GPA questions

What exactly is the GPA requirement for UC Berkeley and UCLA for undergrad? In terms of both weighted and unweighted.
What GPA (w/uw) would make me competitive and which would make me a ‘maybe’?

I am confused overall as to how the GPA system works for the UC’s; do freshmen grades get calculated?

9th grade does not count. i believe there is a UC GPA calculator on the website. Are you out of state?

UC GPA is based on the grades you earn in 10-11th for the UC a-g course requirements. You get up to 8 semesters of honors points for UC approved Honors courses (CA resident’s only), AP, IB or DE courses taken during 10-11th grades. This is the capped weighted UC GPA. UCLA and UCB will also consider the uncapped weighted UC GPA which gives unlimited honors points for these courses taken 10-11th grades.

Freshman grades are reviewed to determine if you meet the UC a-g course requirements but not included in the GPA calculation so you still need to do well Freshman year along with Senior year where low grades could result in your admission being rescinded.

Here is some UC capped weighted admit data for all the UC’s.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 1.8%
UCLA: 2.2%
UCSD: 7.2%
UCSB: 10.1%
UCI: 11.1%
UCD: 16.6%
UCSC: 43.8%
UCR: 63.3%
UCM: 88.7%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1%
UCM: 96.1%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42.7%
UCLA: 47.2%
UCSD: 84.2%
UCSB: 82.0%
UCD: 90.3%
UCI: 94.1%
UCSC: 92.7%
UCR: 97.5
UCM: 98.1%

Also look at the Freshman profiles for each campus which will give more detail on the uW UC GPA vs weighted UC GPA.



Also the Freshman profiles on the UC website which lists the UC GPA capped weighted 25th-75th percentiles for 2017:

Just remember the more competitive the major, a higher GPA will be needed…

No, I am from California.

Here is the UC GPA calculator and it will give you the UW UC GPA, the Capped Weighted UC GPA and the Fully Weighted UC GPA.


Count up all your A’s, B’s, C’s etc… and how many semesters of UC approved Honors, AP, IB and/or DE courses taken 10-11th and enter into the calculator.

If you do not know which HS courses qualify for the honors points, use this link and type in the name of your HS.


My daughter got some additional awards in her senior year, e.g., NMF, AIME. Can she submit the information to UCB or UCLA to increase her chance of acceptance? Thanks.

@jenny001: UC’s do not accept updates unless they specifically request the information. If she is waitlisted, then she can submit the updates. Since decisions are coming out in the next few weeks, I am sure the majority of decisions have been already made.