UC Berkeley/ UCLA/ UC Davis Transfer Chances?

Hey Guys!

I’m a UC Berkeley/UCLA transfer hopeful!! African American Studies (planning to double major in Econ)

Can you guys tell me what you think about my chances?

So I’m Currently a student at my local CC. However, I have taken what will be 37 Units (end of spring) at UC Berkeley through cross-enrollment programs with my JC, Summer Sessions at UC Berkeley and UC Extension.

I have essentially split the units between both institutions. JC: 32 Units with 3.53 GPA. UC Berkeley: 33 Units with 3.375 GPA. Will Be IGETC certified by end of spring 18 with a total of 74 units before Fall transfer. Major GPA: 4.0

Also by the end of the Spring, i will have taken 3 Upper division classes At Cal, two in my major and one outside for fun. with a total of 74 units by spring 18 should I be worried about the Unit Cap?

Completed these REQS at CAL.
English R1A & R4B: B+
Physical Science: B
Quantitative Reasoning: C
Even earned A’s in two upper division classes in my prospective major at Berkeley.
Completed all but one major prereq as College didn’t offer it.

Extra Curricular: Alpha Sigma Gamma CC honor Society. Working Full Time, Semper Coast Guard Club, Volunteer as a mentor for At-risk youth mainly minorities in the community. Volunteer at a Homeless shelter. Had an HR internship in summer 16.


you should TAG Davis -

that page will show you the transfer GPA by major for each UC. With a blended 3.4, i think both LA and B will be a stretch.

good luck.

African American Studies has an enrollment GPA @ UCLA of 3.18-3.53. With a 3.4 combination of UC/CC units you think this will be a stretch?


Think you’ll be fine, just figure out why you want to go to a certain school. Given your major (correct me if I’m wrong) I’m guessing you’re African American. If you don’t know, UC Berkeley has a mentorship program called Starting Point for underrepresented demographic students. I’ve personally seen 100% of the people that go through the program get into UC Berkeley, so look into it. Btw ignore the majority of advice on this forum, it’s mainly misinformed parents and pretentious high school students that don’t know what they’re talking about. GPA isn’t the only thing that matters. I’d even venture to say that after 3.5-6+, GPA is the college’s least concern with you. So here’s my $0.02, good luck!

Yeah I don’t see you having too many problems getting into either UC Berkeley or UCLA, though UC Berkeley may be a little tougher since it doesn’t look like they have a very high acceptance rate for that major. Still, with your extra-curriculars and demonstrated major interest, I would be surprised if you saw a rejection come April 27. As far as UC Davis goes I don’t think they have African American studies, or at least if they do I didn’t see the stats for it.

Grades and GPA aren’t everything but if you want, check this out for statistics https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/transfers-major