UC Berkeley

<p>Any comments?</p>

<p>You have as good a chance as anybody at getting into Berkeley, but sometimes it all comes down to the luck of the draw. The increasingly competitive nature of college admissions has made it less and less about grades and test scores, but instead showing passion in activites outside of school. Frankenchris does make an excellent point that resume padding is a very detrimental thing. Only take those AP tests if you are seeking to intellectually stimulate and challenge yourself, not because of an award, in fact pretend there was no award, would you still want to take those tests? If not, then taking them is definetly a bad idea, you don't want to come of as an obsequious little weasel (not that I think that you are, but an adcom doesn't know you) who would do anything to get into college. Stick to your passions and you'll do fine. If you do actually decide to trod down the path to Eagle, good luck (I got mine 6 months ago). Just remember that integrity plays a large part of the admissions process, represent who you really are and the adcoms will like you. Good Luck in your next 3 years in highschool, trust me you'll be as happy as I will be when you leave it.</p>