UC Capped Weighted GPA

I currently have a 4.3 UC Capped gpa but if take a few extra classes that I am interested in at my local community college. My GPA drops down to 4.25. I know this is a minor difference and I am overthinking it but will it have any negative effect on my admission to a UC, especially to the more competitive ones? My fully weighted UC gpa increases but is it used in admissions for UCs like UC Davis?

The 2 UC’s that emphasize the Fully weighted UC GPA are UCLA and UCB but all the UC’s heavily take into account course rigor/number of AP’s, DE, IB etc, and use the uncapped GPA on their website/UC website for statistical purposes.

Your GPA will not be evaluated within a vacuum since the UC’s consider 13 areas of criteria so take the courses of interest and do not worry.
How applications are reviewed | UC Admissions

UC admission information for California applicants 2023: https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/_files/documents/caifornia-resident-freshman-application-data-2023.pdf

Note the GPA listed is the Capped weighted UC GPA.