***** uc davis class of 2021 applicant thread *****

Accepted CompSci
4.3 GPA
1420 SAT

Accepted entomology
4.09 UC GPA
32 ACT
Very happy, first choice. Not a lot of colleges offer an entomology undergraduate major.

4.4 UC gpa
36 act
got berk regents so i’m a little confused

Undeclared-Life Sciences
GPA: 4.05
SAT: 1110

Congrats to all who got accepted!

@ thenewstyped - That’s funny; my D got the same “Congratulations Regina” today. However the email heading did have her correct name. She was accepted into Chem E.

Son accepted to Chem E… 4.0 unweighted with 7 AP classes plus 4 more this year. 34 ACT. Got Regents!

@thenewstyped yeah I got that too! Wtf

Accepted :smiley:
Major: food science
UC gpa: 4.0
1260 sat
In state

Is there a group me for admitted students?

Accepted! Congratulations everyone

Undeclared- Humanities
UC WGPA- 4.13
UC UWGPA- 3.79
SAT (New)- 1360
ACT- 30

Major: Aerospace Science & Engineering
U / W / WC GPA: 3.78 / 4.72 / 4.03
SAT (old): 1950

Considering that I sent my SAT scores in mid-February (way past the deadline), this is actually surprising. I thought I was going to get flat out rejected.

Congratulations everyone! =D> For those who were accepted, how many of you are confident that you will attend UC Davis?

@bio2017hippo That’s a common trend when kids get accepted into Berkeley. Davis assumed you’d choose Berkeley over Davis, so they don’t bother giving you a spot to fill in. If you actually want to go to Davis over Berkeley, you can always appeal!

State: Washington
Major: Civil Engineering
GPA: 3.0 (Don’t know my UC GPA)
ACT: 29

It was mostly my parents that wanted me to apply for the hell of it, I knew my GPA was not up to standard, but I hope this helps. I wasn’t very interested in Davis in the first place so on the bright side this first rejection of mine doesn’t hurt; at least my confidence is still strong but on March 15th it’ll be different loool. But Davis is a really nice school and I’m sure it’s a perfect place for a lot of you guys. Congrats to all of you who were accepted! :slight_smile:

I got in with a (9-12) UW 3.34, W 3.83 and SAT 1430, ACT 31. Didn’t expect to get in considering I got denied from Tulane, SDSU, and CalPoly SLO.

You’re invited to my new group ‘UC Davis 2021’ on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://■■■■■■■■■■■/join_group/29605950/6xcIdM

You are receiving this notification because you may have received a UC Davis admission letter via email with someone else’s name. If so, we want to assure you that the message was intended for you, and your records are accurate in our system. Aside from the name in the greeting, all of the information in the message, including your student ID, pertains to you. We have identified the source of the error and have corrected it. We sincerely apologize for any confusion or concern this error may have caused.

We know how exciting it is for you and your family to receive an admission notification from UC Davis. You will soon receive a corrected email to mark this important milestone.

Accepted, UC GPA 4.3, UW 3.8 SAT 1360 ACT 28

Hey guys how do you check if you go reagents or not?

Decision: Accepted
Major: Undeclared
UC GPA: around 4.00 weighted probably
SAT: 1120
lots of EC activities, decent/above average personal insights i guess