***** uc davis class of 2021 applicant thread *****

how competitive is bio at UC davis?

@collegegirl5824 Very competitive, probably only second to engineering/CS.

@collegegirl5824: The following is a list of selective/impacted majors at UC Davis

-all majors in the College of Engineering
-all majors in the College of Biological Sciences
-the following majors in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences:
-Viticulture and Enology
-The following majors in the College of Letters and Science:

  • Computer Science

@wormholes @Gumbymom thank you both, guess i really underestimated the competitiveness of bio at a lot of schools. i know UC Davis is known for their veterinary school, so would animal science as a major be competitive there as well?

@Gumbymom I looked on the UCD website. Are those majors impacted only for transfer students or also freshmen?

@wormholes: For both Freshman and transfers. I think the reason that it is posted on the Transfer admission page, is that Transfers have to select a major to transfer into while Freshman are given more leeway since they have not started taking any courses towards their major.

Switching majors at UCD in general is not difficult, but definitely easier if you are already in that specific college, unlike UCSD where if you do not get a direct admit into some of the capped majors, it is very difficult to switch later.

@Gumbymom Oh ok! Thanks!

Does anyone have an idea how competitive English is at Davis?

Does someone with a 1280 and a 4.2 UCWGPA have a decent chance into computer science? @Gumbymom

@ucaddict: Your UC GPA is on target but SAT looks on the low side. Depending upon the competition for CS this year, the decision could go either way.

Take a look at some of the stats for accepted/denied and waitlisted applicants last year to give you an idea of your chances:

Can anyone share information about Picnic Day? Is it a good weekend for a prospective student to visit the campus or is it geared more for those who are already attending?

How are my chances?
UC GPA 4.1 capped/4.6 uncapped
ACT 35
Applied for bio
Already accepted to UCI CHP

@wormholes Solid match

@lkg4answers S1 (prospective student a few years ago) and his dad thought Picnic Day was great. They had a lot of fun, and it gave S1 the feel of the campus. He was also able to talk to CS faculty about opportunities there. He ended up going to a different UC, but Picnic Day made it a lot harder to turn down Davis. There was another day for prospective students, Decision Day, but he didn’t go to that one, so I don’t know how it compares.

When is picnic day?

April 22 https://picnicday.ucdavis.edu/

@lkg4answers Thank you!

For everyone asking what your chances are, there’s no way to tell. UC’s practice holistic admissions meaning they don’t look at you as your numbers (gpa and sat) but you as a person. They decide if you would be a good fit for the community and if you could contribute to it. I’m a student here and I have met friends who got in with a 3.0 and friends who have got in with a 4.5. They don’t look solely at numbers.

By the way admissions were posted on the portal starting at 3pm on March 11th and I heard that’s how it’s been for three years already

Probably the 10th (Friday) then. Good news!