***** uc davis class of 2021 applicant thread *****

Yes, we’d be good with knowing this Friday 3pm!

Yeah I was looking at the past 2 years threads and they were out the 2nd Friday of March.

Anyone following UCD on FB? Today they posted, “Have questions about admissions but cant make it all the way to Davis? Our admission advisors are available to chat with you TOMORROW! online from 3 to 5 p.m. PT at CollegeWeekLive. and IT’S FREE!! Dont miss this great opportunity.”

Someone should ask when admissions will be posted.

Yeah all i have been hearing is that both davis and san diego are releasing their decisions this friday (the 10th)

can anyone chance me for human development
3.6, 4 years volunteer at a pediatric center, 2 years working, 1 sport, 300+ hours of internship in the field i want to be in and what i was told were very good essays…just a little light on the stats.

@divegirl22 I’d like to believe that you and I have decent chances at getting into UC Davis, I have a 3.5 Weighted UC GPA, 1290 New SAT 660 Math and 630 Reading and Writing. Although my GPA is low I have taken 8 AP Classes and 1 UC Honors course and have taken many honors courses only recognized at my school, and hopefully thanks to holistic review, that will be taken into account largely. I have 3 years at Varsity Cross Country and captain of the team my senior year (MIP Award too) and 3 years of Track and Field as well. I have also participated as a musician at my school’s musical for 4 years as well as had participation in the local youth symphony for 4 years as well. I also helped instruct at a teen car clinic for a couple years. I seriously hope that people like you and I are able to get in as Davis is my top choice. It sounds like you do a lot of ECs which is good and I honestly cannot tell you what your chances are as I am pretty unsure too.

I asked if they could confirm this Friday and they said they couldn’t comment… of course!

@alumnimom Hmm…that sounds like a yes then? :wink:

That sounds like confirmation to me!

im literally going to sit here and cry if i get in lol

So it’s all going down on Friday with Davis? Anyone know how they going to deliver the news? UCSD has started phone calling accepted applicants. I’d freak out if I got a phone call out of the blue like that. Then again, I’d freak out if I didn’t :confused:

My guess would be to check portal around 3pm this Friday.


My DD got that call yesterday around 6:30 and cried. She barely remembers what the person on the other end said!

@ElfinMagic Was the call for Davis or UCSD?

UCSD - sorry

Thanks and congrats to your D!

My friend goes to UC Davis and he said that they are going to accept more incoming freshmen than they usually do. He said that the campus is overpopulated already, but they are starting to build new buildings. So yay! Better chance of people getting into Davis.

Yes, this was announced in 2015. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/students-691322-california-system.html

Yikes, my bad. I didn’t know that everyone knew.