**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

I hope so!

i heard uc davis and ucla yield protect, is this true? i also heard none of them do, but i doubt it this year with so many waitlists and applicants.

no yield protection needed at UCLA or Davis. They are amazing schools


They donā€™t :sweat_smile:.

it says ucla and davis and was written in 2019, but like you said who knows

Why would either one of these schools need to yield protect? They are 2 out of the 10 most applied schools in the US. They could fill their Freshman class several times over with high achieving students. What most posters do not understand is that each UC is looking for student ā€œfitā€ based one each UC campuses criteria and this especially true for UC Davis. @10s4life could probably comment about UCLA.


okay, i was just looking at the article and was surprised to see those schools there.

A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 ā€” Regular Decision Release Date: March 16

After I read that article (awhile ago) I told my daughter to open up all her UC Davis emails. Davis is a top school for her, but she is bad about consistently checking her emails!


Because they know the most competitive group use them as safeties? While those got accepted are well qualified students, I do see many students with super high stats get waitlisted.


Yes, some students may consider UCD a safety but take a look at the stats of some of the waitlisted and rejected students on the UCSB or UCSC website for this admission cycle. High stat students do not accepted for a number of reasons, that is why I have found the UCā€™s hard to predict.


Davis has a yield rate of 20%. Thereā€™s nothing to protect

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My understanding of Yield rate of 20% is that 20 out of 100 admitted actually attend?

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Ya thatā€™s what it is. All the non berk / LA UCs have pretty low yield rates (below national average) and Iā€™m just saying that their yield rates would be a lot higher if they actually cared about their yield.

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So, isnā€™t that the reason why they donā€™t want to bother with the students with high stats? I meant if they know there was no way theyā€™d attend?

Thatā€™s true

Can confirm UCLA does not yield protect. Itā€™s the most applied to school in the country and has a yield around 40%.

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wow thatā€™s low. I bet stanford is 90 %. I have a kid at a service academy and their yield is 95%. So interesting how these yields work

Maybe Iā€™m misunderstand what youā€™re saying, but every UC message board here has students with very high stats reporting WL, heard nothing yet or rejections ā€“ this includes Irvine.

Stanford and the other top 10 or so schools are unique in that they have a very high yield rate. (Also, bear in mind that other schools also bolster their yield rate with ED). Thereā€™s a big drop after those schools, and 40 percent is pretty healthy.

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