**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

So, Thursday. How we feeling about UCD on Thursday? UCLA is Friday.


im feeling good about thursday


Fingers crossed!


good point about ED that I am sure makes a difference. Although does Stanford ED? I thought they were EA but I canā€™t remember??

They are REA I believe, but I think only a handful of the top 10 offer any sort of EA.

@vhsdad Yep Stanford is REA! I was one of the casualties for REA there lol. I hope people donā€™t regard Davis as a safety school; its very rigorous and competitive to get in. The main reason why high stat applicants donā€™t get in is fit. Davis has a very distinct personality and it likely stems from their tailored admission process.

@sushiritto Iā€™m thinking UC Davis Thursday and UCSD on Friday, same as UCLA. But could be wrong and all three release on Friday. All I know is UCLA is Friday and its unlikely a school will go after Cal which is on the 25th.


How would you describe UC Davisā€™ distinct personality? What is unique about what they look for in an applicant?

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I was going to ask the same question. I have heard that Davis looks more toward ā€œfitā€ than other UCs from several posters on CC but the admissions criteria across UC is pretty similar.

UCD is a very friendly, welcoming and collaborative community. It is a cross between Mayberry and Cheers - where everybody knows your name. You canā€™t bike/walk across campus or in town without seeing someone you know. The university and surrounding college town are closely integrated. That sounds clichĆ© but you wonā€™t find that same personality or vibe at most of the other UCs.

UCD students tend to be more bohemian and earthy but not quite as earthy as UCSC students. :rofl:

From the UC Davis website,
What sets UC Davis apart?
Our talented students are more likely to collaborate than compete. This friendly approach has led to an incredibly rich campus community that turns big ideas into real solutions.

Recent news about UC Davis and the city of Davis



Thanks. Iā€™m personally happy to hear that UCDavis looks for collaborators. My daughter didnā€™t know that but one of her essays was about how she likes creative collaboration that sheā€™s done in dance and music. UCDavis is probably her top choice. Sheā€™s applied for Design. Sheā€™ll be a good test of this theory.


Could someone explain what the district personality and optimal fit is for UC Davis? I keep reading about FIT, FIT, FIT. My spouse toured the campus with our senior, but I did not, so Iā€™m a bit unsure what everyone means when they address the Davis fit.

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This is exactly the vibe we got when we visited the campus this past summer. Even though there were no students around, we could tell by the large student center area and abundance of student produced art and student run organizations that UCD was different. My D loved it! To my surprise after the visit UCD was in her top list of schools that she would go to, the other being UCSD.

Does anyone think decisions are coming out today?

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i wish they can release it today

One one post on insta a day ago they said ā€œStay strong yā€™all! Decisions will be out soon!ā€

Pls davis just give it to us :persevere::persevere::tired_face:


any chance UCD release it today?

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thatā€™s interesting ā€“ my daughter, who attended the film department of a public arts magnet, also wrote about creative collaboration in her PIQs and applied to UCD design! great mindsā€¦i actually attended UCD 30+ years ago as an undergrad (as well as UCB, so i have that comparison point). i can second that even then the values of work-life balance, cooperation/collaboration/community and character were present. itā€™s a bucolic, pleasant place to go to school, and the scholarship/rigor has advanced considerably in recent decades. as a native californian, i can attest that the only downside is the air quality and summer heat. : )


And it seems to be worse this year, with many OOS applicant being admitted with similar stats as in-state WL kids. If this is what itā€™s going to be like without SAT/ACT scores, I am so thankful that this is my last child going through the system! This is such a tough year for these seniors and this application cycle is the cherry on top of the cake.


yeah itā€™s a tough year, for example school like NU, they have 75k applicants but they only need a class with 2.8k people.

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