**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

There are three cognitive science options - computational (BS), neuroscience (BS) and psychological (BA). Of the three, the BA is the least rigorous. In general, classes at Davis tend to be collaborative and not competitive.

I applied to neuroscience. So lets hope its not too competitive

I actually disagree. While it was smart of them to release in waves all on one day,
I think it was really cruel to release them by decisions (acceptances first, waitlists next, and then rejections). You basically already knew you weren’t accepted if you didn’t get anything in the first hour : Both anxiety fueling and cruel


If you get in and have questions, please feel free to message me. My oldest majored in cog sci with a neuro emphasis and is graduating this year.

Agreed if its waves it should be randomized.


i liked how northeastern did it by location. it was stressful but at least you and your friends got decisions at the same time

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That is for sure what I agree with. it is just so disrespectful for unfortunate applicants by distinguishing them with different release dates or time.


I think the only college that hasn’t done this is Santa Barbara for now.

I was talking about in terms of admission. Is this what you mean?

So its easier to get in with cognitive science w a focus in psychology?

No, it is the same regardless of your emphasis. I didn’t know if you were talking about whether it was competitive to get in or competitive once you were there.

does anyone know if uc davis has an applications by major spreadsheet?

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If you find one, let me know please :”)

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I’ve been looking for that too- I applied international relations and im hoping to check the stats from last year

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omg I applied for the same lmk if u find anything

I agree everyone is different. Your daughter sounds extremely motivated. I don’t think my son has quite figured out what he wants to do, and I hope that big move away from home will help. Davis would be ideal, but it seems a stretch after being waitlisted at UCSC. Just waiting to find out.

Couldn’t find one, but @Gumbymom might know?

Regarding applications/admissions by major, I have never been able to find that information for UCD. UCI seems the most transparent with this information.

ohh got it. Do you know if it is hard to get in w cog sci?

Yes she has always been quite motivated. Her older brother completely different in that respect. He was admitted to some state schools out of high school but ultimately chose community college because he just wasn’t particularly interested in college to say the least and he also transferred and chose Chico state and loved it. Lived in dorm dedicated to transfers ( as my daughter did at UCLA) and an apartment with friends senior year etc. The regular college experience. But abbreviated. He wasn’t really ready at 18 but perfectly ready at 21. I so agree with you that a big move away from home can be a very good thing. We actually live less than an hour from Davis and its a great school and an actual college town. I don’t think its a stretch after WL at UCSC. You just never know. Last year a friends daughter was waitlisted at Irvine and UCSB and rejected at UCLA and they were feeling very down and then she was admitted to Cal. You just never know. Wishing your son the best of luck with his college experience wherever he chooses to attend. This waiting game is tough.