**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

So true. Was my daughter’s first rejection. What’s interesting is she has higher stats than people she knows who were accepted or waitlisted there, and people we were reading about in the NU forum on CC. Lol, oh well!

The UC’s have a cap on the #of enrolled OOS/International students and for UC Davis it is 18%. Although UCD and the other UC’s admit a higher percentage of OOS/International applicants and a few will enroll usually due to no FA and the high costs.

UCD last year admitted 7926 OOS with 418 enrolled which is 5%.

I spent a whole summer there actually and my takeaway was its very very chill and laidback. Its a different pace of life there and I really liked it. It was a good break from the nonstop action at UCLA. I also really like the hot dry weather there personally :smiley:


Fingers crossed here too! So far has been WL at UCI, UCSC, UCSB, NU, but has been admitted to Cal Poly (yay!), CSLB and CPP. Also admitted OOS with merit. Really wants to stay in CA. Good luck to everyone!


That’s interesting being wait-listed at those three UCs without a clear acceptance or rejection, since they span such a range. I wonder how common that is.

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Thanks for answering this. I keep hearing Davis is all about “fit, fit, fit” but no one describes what that really means!

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I really don’t know. All we can do is wait and hope. Fortunate to have some good options for intended major.

What major, and which of the UCs would you choose over Cal Poly, if accepted?

I have a child who will graduate from UC Davis this year. :cry: Few classes were curved and, if they were, it was done to benefit the students. Being such a large Ag, pre-vet, pre-med school, they revamped the Intro to Bio series (BIS 17ABC) and have phenomenal professors to help students find their passion and succeed. Calculus and chemistry are where most students struggle. Enderle is by far the most popular chem professor and many students in other classes use his videos to study.


After multiple waitlists I’m sure hoping my son somehow pulls an acceptance from Davis. We are happy to be on the waitlist at Cal Poly but a straight acceptance at Davis would likely seal the deal.


How is davis for humanities/social sciences?


My older son whom attended UC Davis 2013-2017 had other professors for Chemistry but would also watch Professor Enderle and his Chem lecture videos.

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Chemistry. D would have to look at all of them and what’s the best fit for her. Cal Poly seems great, but she would like to have a couple of other in state options to make a decision.

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Ugh just realized S does not have the portal invite for this one so they will probably go today. :upside_down_face:

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Current 4th year aggie here in coe! If you have any questions regarding classes, student life, & etc. feel free to pm me! I can help with any questions regarding rigors of getting into classes, knowing which professors are best for what & more!

I also live in Davis right now & have jobs/internships there too so I can even assist with being helpful with that too if I can!


do you know anything about the linguistics major? what’s the best housing for someone who’s social but would rather study but party?

To anyone who didn’t visit UCD, I went my sophomore year of high school and I live in a suburb of Chicago so I thought for sure the atmosphere was going to be different and overwhelming and scary, but I knew this was where I wanted to go. When I got there it almost made me cry honestly, my tour guide was so wonderful and showed us how safe the college is, how much the town really is a college town, and showed all of the cute little aspects of the college rather then just the educational aspect of it. Seriously you guys, if you get accepted here, this is where you want to go everyone is so unbelievably kind and accepting and I was only there for two days. It feels like a home, like any university should :grin:


Same boat here. Top choices are UCD and Cal Poly SLO. Rejected from UCSB, SDSU, waitlisted at Cal Poly SLO and UCSC. We have some OOS options with merit, but really hoping for UC Davis. Due for some good news, I hope. Good luck!


Hm I’m not a lingustics major nor have friends who are but I have taken an introduction to lingustics class as a GE class. I really did enjoy it & I took it as a hybrid class (pre-COVID). Per housing, I do know Tercero is more for those in the STEM field (bc all classes/lecture halls are 90% close to that dorming area) & Segundo tends to be more quiet & attracts more humanities majors/athletes (BUT this is all my sole observation & preferences can vary!). Also Segundo dorms are closer to the Greek houses & closer to downtown/off campus a bit if that makes a difference/helps!

Just saw on Reddit that apparently counselors got email today that the decsions are coming out today. Is it true? Idk. Hope it is but thought I’ll keep you updated. I hope it is but please dont @ me if it isnt. I think I’m literally dying with stress lmao