UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thank you she is really looking forward to being a part of the Aggie Family!

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Seems like we had a similar experience - the access to faculty, staff & students was priceless! The supportive & collaborative environment definitely was something that we heard about as well. Didn’t know about the new Maker space so thank you for sharing that.



Here is more information from the website.


I looked it up - that space is sweet! Too bad my daughter isn’t in engineering… maybe a triple major? :joy:

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Would be great if you happen to have a link to this…?

We had our official admitted student tour of Davis this morning. We arrived in town yesterday afternoon and the weather was beautiful! We could tell it had been windy because there were sticks everywhere. This morning the storm that had been expected was just a tiny bit of cold mist, and it was gone by 10 am. The tour was at 11. It was AMAZING! The campus is huge, but we loved the whole feel of it. Last night we had dinner in Davis, watched the sunset at the top of Hutchison parking garage, drove through some of the residential community (nice!!!)… and overall just loved it. We will tour Santa Cruz tomorrow, but Davis was everything we could have wanted.


Impressive! Did you have insider info on where students go to watch the sunset?

Where did you end up eating?

Did you ask if DE credits can be applied to units considered for earlier pass times?


We just got back from touring UW, UCSC, and Davis. We were there for Aggie Day- but not the admitted day for UW- though we did a campus tour. My D22 is microbiology and is really torn between UW and Davis. She liked both campuses even though they are very different. She does not like to bike though- and can’t take too much sun so UW campus is better for her. Plus her allergies were awful at Davis- but it was very windy. One thing that caught my attention was how few OOS there were at Aggie Day. And only 4% of the students attending are OOS. I don’t think this will be a problem but I don’t want her feeling like an outsider.

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If other out of state students are like my daughter, Aggie Day didn’t align with our spring break. She can’t take many more days unexcused days from school so we are coming next week for an accepted students visit instead.

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My D had allergy issues on our visit a few weeks ago. Definitely, a consideration as she makes her final decision.


We’re visiting now during our Spring Break from LA and so far we love it! We’re Jewish so we seeked out the Chabad and Hillel and they have a great community, so welcoming and friendly and my son already made friends. Honestly we couldn’t even find the cows, let alone smell them! Everything smelled like blooming flowers and Spring, so not sure why everyone talks about the cows. We asked all the students on campus about the campus and half of them had never even seen them after their orientation week. We walked through the beautiful arboretum, the museums, saw some classes, met amazing people and overall really enjoyed our time. Feeling much better about committing now that we experienced it ourselves and took the time to talk to as many students as possible.


to clarify- 4% of students attending Davis in 2021 are OOS and 3% were in 2020. 16% are international. I am thinking that number will jump a lot this year- but the OOS U.S. students are rare at Davis. Given that we are from VA and don’t know anyone in the area, I am just wondering how this affects things administratively. What happens if they get sick or if COVID forces another shutdown. I think the school just assumes the student can get picked up…


I realize that moving a student across country is a big decision but you are focusing on a number and making a lot of assumptions. UC Davis is not a commuter school. California is a big state and a large percentage of in-state students are from southern California (6-9 hr drive).

Regarding COVID, if a student is sick, UC Davis policy has been that the student should isolate and not go home to their family. UC Davis has free isolation and quarantine housing and food for students who test positive for COVID. For most of the pandemic, they offered the housing to any student who needed to isolate or quarantine. During the Omicron surge, they secured additional quarantine housing through a local hotel and, only during that surge, asked off-campus students to quarantine at their apartments. On campus (and those in congregate living) were moved to the quarantine dorms.

If a student becomes sick with something other than COVID, they will need to use their medical insurance or UC SHIP (Student Health Insurance Plan) to seek medical care. When my child was at Davis, he fell off his bike and needed stitches. He took a rideshare to urgent care, paid his co-pay and was taken care of. These types of things will happen regardless of where your student goes to school.

UC Davis takes COVID safety seriously. The campus and the community work together to create a bubble and keep everyone safe. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/30/us/college-coronavirus-california.html


My OOS student has committed to Davis. Although this wasn’t a huge concern for us, your response is super informative and helpful. Thank you!


Thank you for all of this great information. I started investigating school protocols after my friends son (who is a a big State School in the South) was hit by a car and was in a coma. The hospital found his student ID and called the school- who sent the Dean to him at the Hospital. The Dean got all contact information- from parents to roommates and called everyone and sat with him until the family could get there. I am finding that most schools do this for their students. What a difference from when I was in school!

I read about the sunset online. There were students up there gathering to watch. The closer to sunset the more people showed up.

We had dinner in town. We ate at Woodstock pizza on the very edge of the town. We waited 90 minutes for our pizza but it was so good I would have waited two hours for it.

I did ask about the DE. They said to confirm with a counselor which classes apply toward graduation (through ASSIST?) and if they are fulfilling a requirement and counting for graduation, then they count. But, for example, if she took two classes that meet the same requirement, only one would count.


Decision update: SHE’S AN AGGIE!
So excited for her!




Yay congrats ! Happy that she is joining the Aggie family too:)