UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

2021 Capped Weighted UC GPA Middle 25-75 percentile for admitted students: 3.95-4.25

Application review:

  • Very important : Academic GPA, Personal Insight questions, Rigor of secondary school record
  • Important : Character/personal qualities, Extracurricular activities, Talent/ability, Volunteer work
  • Considered : First generation college student, Geographical residence, State residency, Work experience
  • Note : Scholastic achievement most important, followed by school and community activities, academic interests, special circumstances, special achievements and awards

What if it’s for mechanical engineering tho?

UCD does not break out admit rates by major nor does the UCOP data listed. The admit rates are only guidelines since GPA is not evaluated in a vacuum. Engineering is competitive so you would want to be close to the 75th percentile (4.25) or higher for the best chances.


So 4.45 is good ?

For a fully weighted GPA it is good but GPA is only one part of 13 areas of criteria used to review applications although a large part. What is your capped weighted UC GPA (max 4.4)?


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Do we only use 10 and 11 grade on this ?

Yes 10-11th a-g course grades.

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I’m trying to figure this out - is it the case that Honors classes don’t count as weighted for OOS students? Only AP or IB?

Ok I’ll go calculate he has all A’s the report card said 10-11 was 4.45

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Disregard. I see it was sent to your wife.

Wondering the same. Honestly, that’s odd. I have one kid who takes honors classes and another who does not and I promise you the kid who takes honors classes has a lot more work and dedicate so much time to them

Basically the UCs don’t trust non-AP honors designations. Within the state of CA, they are able to certify Hons courses as UC approved. They just don’t have the administrative bandwidth to evaluate every single OOS Hons course. This issue becomes moot when you consider that OOS applicants are evaluated in a separate pool from in state so there should be no adverse impacts.


Yes, HS designated Honors classes for OOS applicants are not weighted. Only AP/IB and UC Transferable DE courses.

It is possible to calculate a Capped Weighed UC GPA of over 4.4 possibly due to P/NP classes for some students but the Maximum is 4.4 for the Capped Weighted and 5.0 for the Fully Weighted. I never go by the HS GPA listed since each HS has a different weighting system.

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Davis Regents is with the admissions letter, right?

Yes it came with my daughters acceptance 3 years ago.


Yes and it is obvious. Some of the other schools (ex. UCLA) you need to check financial aid in order to find it.

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I did mean weighted and capped. I would leave out CS which seemed ultra competitive last year. Again, this is my unscientific opinion based on what I read in last year’s boards. I feel like my DD with an UW 3.95, UC weighted 4.15 has a good shot, but could just as easily be rejected. She did have really good essays and tons of EC, leadership, volunteering, sports, so that could help.


i got into santa cruz long beach and pomona with a 4.0 UC GPA 10-11. she should be fine.

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Again, it is just not your GPA. Many factors are involved in the UC application review.

Each campus will complete their own individual review of the application independently of one another, which means that they’re going to review the information in the application and select students without asking what the other campuses have decided.