UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Do the UC’s see which other UC’s you have applied to ? and if so, do they see the major you selected at that school ?

From the UC Website:

Each UC campus evaluates each application without knowing the status of the same application at another campus. In making admission decisions, campuses do not consider where you’ve applied or your admission status to other campuses.

They also do not care if you applied to the same major at each campus or different majors at each campus.


Capped was 4.36

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So is a capped of 4.36 good for engineering at the UC’s or just ok

Pretty good for all UC’s. However, GPA is only one of the 13 odd criteria considered in making a decision though one of the most important one. See the first post in this thread for details


You are competitive for Engineering.

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Yes we just need one pretty good school haha. I am really concerned about Santa Barbra however due to the housing issues.

Several of the UC’s have housing issues. Much of the problem was due to Covid requirements where they could not house students at normal capacity and also due to students deferring a year. The UC’s guarantee housing to all Freshman but if you have a clear school choice, I would make sure to enroll ASAP and then apply for housing when the application opens up.

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So is today the day!?!??

Today or tomorrow. The email states by March 11th.

Its today. I can feel it.


Does anyone know what time of day they usually release decisions?

last year was 2:30pm PST. prior years between 2:30-3:00ish PST i think


Great, thank you :grinning:

I think so, too! Nervous…


riverside didn’t release theirs for this year all the way until 6 pst. santa cruz i got i’m at like 1 pst

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riverside first updated the portal (checked when it was around 2smth) but got the email all late like 6pm LOL

I’m guessing tomorrow. Just because whenever there is a possibility that it could be earlier, it never is, for all UCs (based on the experience 2 years ago)
Hope i’m wrong and that it comes out in 4 hours!!


Thursdays don’t seem that likely either…

The last 3 years ucd has been Thursday