UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

does anyone know if there will be a potential third wave within the next few weeks?

I feel like giving up on this school I have hope still but, wow does it feel terrible to not know what’s happening. I didn’t commit to any schools because I’m too stubborn and really wanted to go to Davis, but now I might have to go to a CC (which isn’t bad but I worked, like everyone else, my butt off for 4 years). I feel hopeless. I really really want to go to Davis. I’m tearing up due to frustration just typing this. Is there hope? I’m just so frustrated and jealous, and I know hundreds of people feel the same way ):
Major: Biology, Pre-Med
Location: So-Cal


Are waitlist waves grouped by specific majors? About how many waitlist waves have there typically been in past years?

There are no specific number of waves nor specific groups of majors that get admitted. It varies from year to year. Last year 1 wave. The year before no wave and no admits. Bottom line they admit if they have room available.


Hang in there, if you don’t get the outcome you want, you can at least attend CC and transfer and end up at Davis in the long run.

You are not the only one who didn’t receive the outcome they wanted. I know of many, pre-med applicants in the same boat. It’s just so popular and there are just too many qualified candidates for spots available. I’m sure you will have much success in the future!


No admits today?

Any inputs on more waitlist waves?

Just got off WL at UCSD for bio…waiting for here…

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What about UCSC. They have a Bachelor of Global Community Health which is a new major that replaces the Human bio major and is more pre-med friendly.

Would you choose UCD over UCSD? My D23 SIR’d to UCD for microbiology and is WL at UCSD. Maybe she likes UCSD because both her older brothers went there :slightly_smiling_face:!

Did you visit this weekend? If so, how was it?

I think waitlists are torture , I know some might feel different when they get off the waitlist pain ends and one forgets all about it.

I would really like one decision day they would keep to release waitlist decisions and not keep everyone hanging worrying when would they release a wave.

College decisions and education both need an update.
This is clearly not working .
With phones EV and everything updating , why r we still stuck .
Learning should be fun and I guess it’s lost .
Everyone worried about final transcript grades and college application resume.
Fun of learning has vanished.

Even if you don’t want to be a part of this rat race , knowing that there is no set path for successful happy life , you still somewhere get sucked here and there.

Just my one cent not two😊


I think why they have to do waves is because people decline their offers or they’d accept it and then SIR to another school thymes got unwaitlisted at

just got off the waitlist for bio sci!


Anyone else get off? Seems unlikely that only one person would.

Son accepted this afternoon for AeroEngr… leaning toward sticking with UCSB MechE, but some thinking to do.

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pppllleeeaaassee give me the spot​:pray::pray::pray::pray:

so a wave came out?


when was the last wave of acceptances last year?

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hoping i get off !!!