<p>So I’ve recently been admitted to uc davis and ucsb (yay!) but i honestly cant decide which school is best to attend. Ranking-wise, they’re practically the same, i intend to major in political science or economics, and i cant tell which school has a better program for that. I live literally 2 minutes from ucsb, and my parents work there, so i have extremely biased opinions from them. I love the fact that uc davis has a town that caters to the school and clearly has a tightly bonded community. But im worried that since its literally located in the middle of no where, ill be and feel isolated. Plus im not too fond of the cow smell. Im also not too fond of ucsb’s party scene, because i know i will be easily distracted by that. </p>

<p>So as you can see, i am stuck in a loop here, so help me out CC? </p>

<p>and clearly has clearly a tightly</p>

<p>I think you should “go away” to college… (that’s what I want for my own kids) Davis is wonderful. It’s a great little college town and it’s only a day trip away from San Francisco or Tahoe if you want a break.</p>

<p>OMG i am having this same problem! I’m torn between Davis and SB because I love everything about Davis, but it is too far from home (I live near LA). Now I’m leaning towards SB because it is a bit closer to home, however, I’m nervous about the outrageous party reputation. Can someone please give me some advice to help sway my decision??? Because at the moment, both Davis and SB stand equal chances for my decision, but I am stuck.</p>



<p>Yes, literally the middle of nowhere. We exist in a sort of vacuum devoid of matter. It’s actually kind of cool but definitely not for everyone.</p>



<p>Santa Barbara is more “in the middle of nowhere” than Davis. Look at a map and tell me it isn’t.</p>
