<p>I got an offer from Davis for a Regents scholarship, from what I understand it is $7500 every year as long as I maintain a 3.25+ GPA. Who else got this? How is it impacting your decision of where you plan on committing? I also got into Berkeley and LA, but $30,000 over four years is a substantial amount of money. Anyone else in this situation?</p>
<p>Davis Regents is offered to the top 5% of the incoming class, so that’s quite a bit. Because I am receiving the same finaid from LA and Davis, I am also having a very tough time choosing between the two (exactly 50-50). ><</p>
<p>In short, it comes down to whether or not you care about the prestige of the school. Really when you apply to grad school, it matters what you’ve done to make yourself a competitive candidate (grades, leadership, experience, etc.), rather than where you got your degree.</p>
<p>My son got the regent’s scholarship and we were very happily surprised. It does make it harder to pass up UCD, but he is choosing to go to Cal Poly SLO for engineering. We have heard so many great things about the program there and that it is better at preparing students for jobs or grad school. The cost would be similar because of the Regents, but he will be applying for a $5,000 schoarship at CPSLO that will make the deal even better. he did not want to attend UCLA or UCB. Too big and too stressful!</p>
<p>Congrats on getting into Davis with the Regents and UCB and UCLA. I think you need to choose the school you will be most comfortable at and the environment you like the best. UCLA and UCB will be more competitive from what i have heard. The Regents does make it easier to pay for and there are a lot of other perks as well.</p>
<p>Good luck! You are very lucky to have such great choices.</p>
<p>I’m sure he will enjoy Cal Poly SLO, I got in there as well but while engineering is a great program there, Biochem is not. I have heard the same things about CPSLO and its a beautiful place.</p>
<p>However I love large schools and competition, so its basically come down to UCB and prestige vs UCD and money+perks.</p>
<p>Well, if large and competitive is your thing, I would say UCB would be the best. It is defineitely the most prestigous. Of course, anything about Bio is excellent at UCD. I love the area in Davis and the atmosphere as well. the money and perks are a big deal. the economy these days makes it more important than ever. I am sure you are talking with your parents about it too. </p>
<p>Best of luck!</p>
<p>me too!!! hard to decide, but i will probably end up choosing the school that gave me regents (ucsd or davis), mainly because of priority registration. my friends in college tell me its a HUGEEE plus with priority registration if you want to be able to get the classes you need (and graduate in 4 years), especially in this economy.
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>What makes Davis such a contender is that the scholarship is much more extensive than other schools. For instance UCSD is 8000 dollars over 4 years, while Davis is 7500 awarded annually.</p>
<p>Am I the only person who got Davis Regents and was rejected by Berkeley and LA?</p>
<p>Davis Regents is offered to the top 5% of the accepted applicants, which is quite a large number xP</p>
<p>Yep, a “large” number around ten times smaller than UCLA’s or UCB’s admits…lol</p>
<p>I agree that the $7,500 is a much sweeter deal than the Regents at the other schools. They really want you to attend!</p>
<p>Sho0t^ my son got the Davis Regents, but was rejected from UCB. He didn’t apply to UCLA or UCSD. He got in to UCI and UCSC and Cal Poly for engineering.</p>
<p>Uhh…what I’m saying is that it isn’t odd if a Davis Regents didn’t get into Cal or UCLA. Being part of the top 5% at Davis doesn’t necessarily equal Cal or UCLA tier. Compared to the other UCs (ex: 100 at UCLA, top 2% at SB), the number of Davis Regents recipients is “large”.</p>
<p>My D is accepted to Davis and Berkeley and is trying to decide between them. No word on regents so far. With no scholarship from davis, she’ll probably choose ucb. How do they notify you about regents?</p>
<p>^You would have known about Regents right when you were accepted. It says it right on the page when you log in to your UC Davis account. Unfortunately, you would have already received notification. </p>
<p>Personally, I was rejected from UCLA, and accepted to UCB and to UC Davis with Regents. While it’s a great offer, I think I will be turning it down, but I think it certainly deserves some serious consideration!</p>
<p>Hmm I have a question
I didn’t do anything for regents and didn’t get anything on my acceptance page, yet I just got a certificate in the mail from Davis saying congrats on being a regent scholar basically.</p>
<p>My son got into UCB and UCD with Regents. We are agonizing, not just over the money, but all the other perks, especially priority registration,which is HUGE. My friend’s son turned down UCB two years ago to go with Regents at UCSB and doesn’t regret it. He says they treat Regents Scholars like royalty and the perks are amazing. They really care about you and want you to succeed - nice to be more than a cog in the wheel at a huge university. But passing up the prestige of Berkeley may be more than he can do!</p>
<p>Have any incoming transfer students received the Regents scholarship for UC Davis for 2010-11?</p>
<p>Or does anyone know if they have awarded/notified transfer students already?</p>
<p>They have not awarded transfer students with regents yet, but regents I believe are announced along with admission decisions.<em>crosses fingers</em></p>
<p>I was awarded the UCSB Regents and UCD Regents, and admitted to UCLA (bioengineering at D and LA and biochem at SB) and I’m having a lot of trouble deciding between the perks, money, and “royalty” aspects of D and SB, and the prestige, location, and spirit of LA. Any advice?</p>