UC Davis VS. UCI VS. Cal Poly

<p>This a thread to discuss which one is better for Premed? I want a well rounded, fun college experience as well as maintain a high GPA (3.8+) because my goal is a top medical school.
which college can give me a better undergrad experience as well as offer me good research oppurtunites, voluteering, as well as good shadowing oppurtunities?</p>

<p>P.S. - UCSB, is not an option, people have been suggesting this school but i cant go because i would have to live at home if i were to go there</p>

<p>Davis is well known for its medical programs.</p>

<p>I’m not really sure about the other two, but I heard Cal Poly is more geared toward Engineering, although I’m sure you could get a Science degree from there.</p>

<p>Either way, a UC is a UC. I’d go with Davis.</p>