UC Davis Waitlist 2025

Does davis admit into the major or college? If class size for CS majors is full, are there any chances of students getting off the waitlist for that major and get accepted into the college (L&S)?

Davis admits differently depending upon the College and the major.
• College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences admits by college
• College of Biological Sciences admits by college
• College of Letters and Science admits by division within the college
• (Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies; Mathematics and Physical Sciences; Social Sciences)
• College of Engineering admits by academic department

If you applied for CS in the College of Engineering then they would not consider you for CS in the College of L&S. Did you list an alternate major on your application?

I didn’t make the smartest choice and listed CSE as my alternate major. First major is CS (L&S) and CSE is obviously in the college of engineering which is even more competitive.

So if in the College of Letters and Sciences they admit by division would that make it easier or harder? Pretty much asking how this division waitlist works.

Thanks! Great info.

It will depend upon your major and division.

what’s the difference between division and major?

Division is synonymous with Department so the Division/Department of Physical Sciences could have several majors under that Division/Department such as Chemistry, Physics etc…

I am in the process of revamping the UC admission criteria and Division is not actually used any more so I will be changing some of the criteria.

Sounds similar to my son. WL at Davis and SLO, and admitted undeclared at UCI. In for CS at UCSC.

So how would that correlate with the CS? Is CS in L&S considered a division and if not, what division does it fall under?

CS in College of L&S is probably the exception since the curriculum is identical to the CSE in the College of Engineering with a few minor differences so this is probably a grey area when it comes to admitting students. You might want to send an email to the CS department advisor for specific answers to your question.

The primary differences between the CSE and CS majors are the extent of hardware coverage and curricular flexibility. The CSE major develops a solid understanding of the entire machine, including hands-on experience with its hardware components. The CS major teaches some hardware, at the digital-design level, on simulators. The CSE major has fewer free electives. The CS major’s more generous electives make it easier to complete a minor or double major.

I have found the 2020 Waitlist stats:
UC Davis 2020:
Number of applicants offered waitlist: 13092
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist: 4960
Number admitted: 3969


So if you are waitlisted for CSE would you be considered for CS in L&S?

Looking at the waitlist stats from past years, only less 50% of those offered accept the waitlist offer. It could be a lot different this year given the circumstances.

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Probably not since UCD states, your alternate major should be in a different discipline ie. Physics plus they rarely admit to an alternate or different major.

So someone listed this as for 2020
2019 Waitlist stats: (common dataset for 2019-2020 not available. Data taken from UC counselor conference link):

Waitlist offers: 10,641
Waitlist opt-ins: 3,458
Waitlist admits: 1,971

Is what you posted the updated version of that?

The 2019 data is taken from the common dataset. The 2020 Data is from the UC Counselor conference and once posted in the CDS, I have found some discrepancies with some other UC campuses but it gives a ball park.

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Same here. I didnt get a single acceptance from any UC schools or Cal Poly. Got waitlisted at Davis. Stupid me to apply to CS and CSE only. I dont even know what I really want to study. I just know I am good with STEM subjects and some programming languages which I didnt even bother to mention in my apps. CS just came to my mind on the day I submitted my apps. 4 years of hard works, sleeping 3 hours a day, go down the drain. I will always wonder what would happen if I applied to any other majors. I thought my GPA and ECs alone would carry me. Boy, I was wrong big time. Now I gotta go OOS. Seeing my friends with less GPA and ECs got accepted all over places, hurt so much. I am happy for them but it still hurt. The only slight consolation the last few days was to hear the surprises and the kind words I got when my friends found out I didnt get to any of the UCs. I would have never thought how hard it is to get to CS.


You will get in to Davis. Don’t give up hope.

Don’t rule out CC if you have your heart set on a UC. It’s a great way to go.

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