UC Davis Waitlist 2025

i have this question too. also when do you predict the first wave will come out?

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Are they likely to start a wave on a Friday afternoon?

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I hope that’s not the case. Has anyone contacted admissions or anything?

Well its 5pm on 5/7 and I don’t have a waitlist update. :frowning:

rip hopefully it comes out on monday


They wouldn’t have told us yet because even if they have a full class some people may still drop and they would need to fill a few spots. However, if UCLA gave out some waitlist acceptances, then UC Davis should have many spots still open right?

Anyone contact admissons?

^ and what did they say LOL

@Gumbymom have you seen anyone get off the waitlist for communications in past years? Majority of people this year and last year seem to be waitlisted for cs, and what wondering if you’ve seen anyone get off for comms, thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I cannot specifically say one way or another if any Communication majors have been admitted off the waitlist in previous years. You would have to go through all the waitlist discussions from previous years and even then not all waitlisted admits post on CC so no way to be sure.

@Gumbymom Have you seen anyone get of the waitlist last year for the major Statistics. Please let me know.

I do not keep track of which majors are admitted off the waitlists. I only provide some guidance and post stats from previous years waitlists. I do not follow other social media since being UC forum champion takes up much of my time, so it is always possible since not all waitlisted students will post on CC or any other social media.

Manifesting that UC Davis Waitlist admissions will come out today


Can anyone call AO and ask them when they’re coming out? I can’t until 3 today and I think their office closes at 2.

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I just called, and they said that they aren’t allowed to disclose. We just have to be patient, I guess.


I guess they aren’t coming out today? :((


I guess not :confused: i hope they haven’t reached their target already.

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I wish they didnt lock previous years threads so we can dates as people cleared

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For CS target, I know at least 4 guys (3 international, 1 in-state) who did not accept the UCD offer. So there will be some wave.

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That’s a relief then! I’m waitlisted for cs in letters and science

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