UC Davis Waitlist 2025

Yah, but if higher ranked UCs like UCLA and UCB accepted some off the waitlist, then I’m sure UCD has spots

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UCSB took people off the waitlist today so there is def going to be movement soon


That’s not quite how it works. They accept a lot more people than their class size because they know not all students will accept their offer. I’m a cs major and hoping to get off too.


On reddit, someone called and admissions said waitlist decisions are being released after June 30th

that kinda doesnt make sense tho cuz usually its by June 30th for all the UCs. are they certain they heard correctly???

Wait yeah on their website it says they will let us know Before June 30?

Maybe they meant all decisions will be out by then meaning no more waitlist acceptances but that doesn’t mean decisions won’t trickle out between now and then.

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Apparently UCSD is going to have no movement this year and they might have even over enrolled. Will that affect the davis waitlist?

June 30 sounds like a diplomatic answer instead saying “We can’t tell you”

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uhhh it probably wont since they are diff schools but once berkeley and LA come out, people will prob unenroll from davis and more spots will open

I spoke to UC Davis admissions (I called them). They didn’t have a lot of info to offer, but I did learn a few things.

  1. There were fewer waitlist entries this year than previous. Before there were upwards of 9000. This year, there were less than 3000.

  2. All of the majors are filling up. She didn’t have info about any specific majors.

  3. They have not yet extended any waitlist offers. They said they’re waiting on what some of the other campuses will do first (like UCLA and UCB). I think this is because people who got accepted into UCD also got onto those other waitlists, so they might drop.

  4. They expect to start sending out waitlist offers within 1-2 weeks. If we haven’t heard by then, take alternatives seriously.


This information actually is really helpful to know.

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Does fewer waitlists mean they accepted more people overall?


Thank you for this!
Is waitlist entries the people who accepted the waitlist offer, or is it what Davis offered to people?

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She did also say that they got way more applications this year than previous, and the quality blew them away.


I am guessing they offered waitlist to fewer applicants than last year

I assumed it was opportunities to enter the waitlist, but I’m not sure. She wasn’t giving me exact numbers regardless.


Lol that scares me, hopefully their class didn’t fill up too much.

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yall i checked previous years data, both 2020 and 2019. in 2019 they had 3.5k opt-ins and in 2020 they had 4.9k opt-ins. so I think that means if their number is way lower than before, the 3k is how many people they sent out the option to waitlist

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So is that a good thing for us? Do we have a higher chance of getting in?