UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

@zoomtransfer123 Do you think there will be another wave?

@skyhighscraper I think @bethiew had a friend who contacted Davis’ Admissions team which confirmed that UC Davis would be rolling admissions. So, I think that there’s still some hope to see ppl get off the waitlist later today. If not, I’m still gonna hope for an evening wave at around 5 ish. In either case, however, I think this will be the last admit cycle for UC Davis, so I’m prayinggg to get in today.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t the class size around 6K? There are currently 3k members in the Facebook group so I am still hoping…

spoke to the admissions office a few min ago, and they said they expect waitlist decisions to be released all the way into the summer. I guess they still have some spots open…

@zoomtransfer123 Hopefully we get another wave. I am so tired of this waitlist process and I just want to move on LOL

@skyhighscraper Yes, Davis has a class size of approximately 6,400. And you gotta still keep hope as Berkeley is ALSO releasing decisions today. Ppl who SIRed to Davis and get off the Berkeley waitlist for CS will be more likely to attend Berkeley. This will, thus, open up spots for Davis.

@mggharry Unfortunately that’s what UC Davis, and most other colleges, say when regarding waitlist waves. The bitter truth is that after the first few waves these schools have already filled their freshman class and will simply reject all other waitlisted applicants in the middle of June. (Last year Davis had two rounds of admits on 5/6 and 5/17 and rejected everyone else on 6/14.) Hopefully, there’s another wave today!

Hi! This thread has been super helpful and informative. My kid just got off waitlist this morning for the school of letter and science (Bio-chem/Molecular Bio). Good luck to everyone, I hope you all make it!

@rwl7575 Congrats on the admission!

My son got into Computer Science (L&S) off of waitlist today around mid-day! So excited… this has been excruciating to wait on. My sympathies to those still waiting. We live in the Bay Area.

We are honestly now torn, as we had been in a place where he was only accepted to Santa Clara University and had therefore decided to send him there in spite of the price tag (even w/scholarship grant). Now he has to decide between the smaller/intimate but pricier SCU and the more affordable but reputable UC Davis (my spouse is a UCD alum so has positive memories in spite of the size).

@zippernugget Congratulations to your son! Would you mind sharing his stats? I’m still waiting for CS (L&S).

Hey guys, it’s about 5:00 now. There still has been no portal update or email. I really hoped they would have an evening wave today, but it, unfortunately, does not seem to be the case. Since UC Davis has in the past years admitted students in the first two waves, I do believe that UC Davis has completed waitlist admissions and that there will be no more admission waves. For that reason, I will be removing myself from the waitlist. It was a grueling process, but I’m glad it’s over. I’m thoroughly disappointed I did not get admission to UC Davis, but I’m sure I’ll do great at Santa Cruz. I wish all the rest of you guys the best at whatever colleges y’all are going to!

I JUST GOT OFF FOR AEROSPACE ENGINEERING!I really can’t believe it, it felt like a lost cause at this point.Best of luck to all of you!Wishing you guys the best!

@zoomtransfer123 I’m going to UC Santa Cruz too! I had hoped this ended differently but now it’s time to get excited about our college. Good luck to all of you! :slight_smile:

@valette hi, did you get off this evening or in the morning?

@ 12:32 to be exact

Got in CS (L&S) today, in state. SIR deadline is Jun.01.

Hi, yes I got an email regarding my admissions at 12:23 pm. I have until June 1 to decide.

I have a friend who last year was waitlisted at davis then got off the waitlist in late June. Idk how it will be this year but that might be a whiff of hope for those who haven’t heard back yet.

After alot of hoping and praying, us parents and our son resigned ourselves he would be attending CPP, but we were pleasantly surprised he got off the waitlist as he ws notified via email around noon today. Major was Psych, unweighted GPA about 3.8, SAT 1230. He immediately filed his SIR to Davis although they gave him until June 1st to do so, just FYI on that.

He will be removing his name of the waitlist for Irvine. I wish everyone the best to hopefully be as fortunate if Davis is their top choice. Thank you for everyone’s comments on this board as it helped keep hope alive for us! Take care and be safe…