UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

@Paint Color Absolutely! Would you be Graphic Design or Graphic Communication at SLO? They’re different, and I think GrC is very well-liked. But my daughter was deciding between SLO Graphic Design and another school before getting into Davis, and she decided against SLO. Their main draw (and it’s certainly valid) is they have great job placement and higher than average starting salaries. GD is a very small department, 30-40, which has pros and cons. I wasn’t a big fan of the student or especially faculty graphic design work I found online, and I read some discouraging things about the faculty. Some people love it at SLO, but others get bored very quickly with the small downtown. SLO is also the least ethnically diverse of any California public school.

I found it hard to find info on the UCD program, so I started a Reddit thread (nobody answered on CC). Three current students responded and all liked the program, which meant a lot to me. It’s a much bigger department (700, but IDK the breakdown by concentration) and seems much more interdisciplinary and flexible than SLO. It’s also a BA vs. a BFA. I read they have a couple of job fairs a year with at least one for Design (which may be through a club). I don’t think they stress internships as much as some schools, but I think you can find them if you’re a self-starter. I’m still no expert on the program, but there are enough positives that my daughter is excited to attend. Best of luck in your decision!

Thank you Whimsicalsquid, I got into Graphic Design at SLO and I agree with all the points you made. And that’s why I am seriously considering UCD. Thanks for pointing me to your reddit post. It was very useful. I just started talking to a design major at UCD and she doesn’t think its 700 students, more like 450. But she’ll find out for me. Thank you so much!

Did anyone get off the waitlist for communications?? Thanks :smile:

Hey guys. I just got off Berkeley’s waitlist so I cancelled my SIR to Davis. Hopefully, one of you can take my spot.

Has anyone gotten off the waitlist for CS? If I haven’t heard back yet does it mean I likely won’t get in for CS?

@csgeeks I think the first person to post waitlist admission said they got in for CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) in the College of Engineering. I haven’t yet heard anyone say they got in for Computer Science in Letters & Sciences.

My son got admitted off the waitlist in Computer Science and Engineering. I think UC Davis puts more weight on gpa (specifically weighted and capped) and for the waitlist, I think they also use the 200 word essay. Honestly I thought there would be more people being admitted off the waitlist (in CSE) because it looked like my son’s stats were barely inside the top 10 of other candidates who were waitlisted (and posted their stats).

Thank you @zoomtransfer123 and @honeybeedoors . I’ve applied to CS in the College of Letters and Sciences. I have a 4.5 weighted GPA . I’m still hoping.

Do you think they are done pulling people off the waitlist for CSE already? Or do they release random majors each wave? My first choice was CSE, and my second choice was Applied Math. I did update my courses and grades a little late, so maybe it’ll take longer? I have some hope left. This whole process and all the waiting is causing me great angst!! lol.

nothing yet?

@iliswids There was a second wave last year. Two days after the first wave deadline.
Last years first wave deadline was the 5/13 and second wave came out 5/15. Rejection date was 6/15.


@csgeeks @zoomtransfer123 I was admitted off the waitlist for CS in the College of Letters and Sciences on May 7th. They sent me an email at 1:55pm

@blehjk321 would you mind sharing your stats?

is anyone who got off the waitlist not going to sir?

Has anyone here got off the waitlist for International Relations?

Nope I’m still waiting to hear back for IR too.

@csgeeks 4.0 U/W GPA, 4.33 W GPA, 1410 SAT 1st time, 1450 SAT 2nd time

Has anyone gotten off the waitlist for psychology :((( please let me know, I feel like I got rejected

@blehjk321 does UC Davis check your first and second SAT score? Were you not able to just send them your second score? I sent them my second score, but now I’m worried that they saw my first score.

@kp2664 I’m pretty sure they look at your highest score. I had to send both my scores. UCs will look at both scores but will take the highest one into consideration.