<p>Okay, son's last round of SATs done and junior year grades are in, so...I'd love to hear from anyone with experience with engineering program admissions at: STANFORD, CAL, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, CAL POLY, USC. Probably Mechanical Engineering, but not sure yet. Wants to stay in California. Chances? Advise? Need more safeties? Thanks!</p>
<p>SAT1: 710 CR, 780 Math, 800 W
SAT2: 2C 800, Physics 760, Chem 730
PSAT: NM, probably Commended
10-11th grade GPA: 4.17w
Hon/APs: Hon Geo, Hon Alg 2/trig, Calc AB, Hon English 3, AP Physics
(senior year- Calc BC, AP English, Hon German 4, AP Chem, AP Comp Prog)
GATE program 11th grade
1 week high school engineering program at U of Arizona this summer</p>
2 years jv soccer (one as co-captain), 1 year varsity soccer (unsure about senior year, may switch to XC or job)
4 years varsity golf (one as co-captain, made first all-league team)
3 summers assistant swim coaching job
3-4 years licensed soccer referee for rec and club leagues
1-2 years a little volunteering for Guide Dogs of America</p>