UC Essay #2

<p>I want to talk about my political contributions to their campuses as a good ol' liberal. I am VERY VERY VERY passionate about politics. But I don't know how to go about it. Should I talk about how I always came home before the midterm elections (the current one) and checked the polls and projected my own outcomes? Or that I actually voted in it? Or that I impressed my AP US teacher one day by nonchalantly naming all the Supreme court justices?</p>




<p>sounds like a good hook.</p>

<p>you really need to get started though</p>

<p>How so? There's still 20 days left.</p>

<p>yeah 20 days is enough time, i just started mine today :)</p>

<p>Can anyone with a heart filled with compassion tell me where I can go with my political essay?</p>

<p>i like the 2nd idea. being too opinionated about politics may be risky, if you include such opinions in your essay.</p>

<p>What was the second idea?</p>

<p>pm me...i am also writing an essay about politics/boys state so maybe we can bounce ideas off each other.</p>

<p>WhAT SHOULD I DO?</p>