I have subpar grades and scores to get into the likes of UCLA or Cal and I’m hoping to rely a little on my personal statements. Any advice for the prompts?

  1. describe the world you come from and how it effects your dreams and aspirations
  2. describe a major accomplishment or event in your life

I know all that speak from the heart and all that but does anyone have particular advice on what to make sure to talk about in the essay

This post is so vague there is no way anyone can give you any useful advice.

Except for make sure you answer the question? You don’t give us much to go on.

I think that overcoming “subpar” grades might be asking a LOT from an essay.

Knowing nothing at all about you, I’m hoping that you’re also trying for some schools that aren’t so much of a reach.

That said, keep in mind that the point behind the essay is to “Give them a reason to say yes!”

Without knowing anything else about you, I’m not sure how else to help.