UC Fall 2017 Freshman Application Confirmations

We have only received confirmation from one UC (Irvine) that they received our application. The application website shows that it was forwarded but I’m surprised we haven’t received anymore auto confirmations. It sounds like UCB has sent out info as well.

Has anyone received confirmation e-mails from UCs other than Irvine and Berkeley?

I only got a confirmation from Berkely as well, but I didn’t apply to Irvine. I only applied to San diego, SB, LA, and SC

I submitted 11/26 and received my Berkeley login 11/28. I also applied to Irvine, but have not received anything from them yet.

Submitted my app to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, and UCI on 11/25. I got a confirmation from Berkeley on 11/28, and got my confirmation from Irvine on 12/2, but nothing else yet.

Received a confirmation e-mail from UCLA today.

me too ^^ i haven’t received UCI yet…should i be worried?

I haven’t recieved any confirmation emails at all. Should I contact them?

Check your application status. If it shows that all of the campuses were forwarded your application, you should be good.

@lkg4answers Sorry but where does it say whether each campus was forwarded your app?

go to the UC admissions website and type your credentials, then go down to application status on the screen.

@Vexlord I found it, thank you!

@Vexlord You haven’t received any confirmations? Maybe they’re in spam?

No, I checked the spam to be sure. But on the bright side, I just got my first one today from UC Irvine, but that’s all.

I applied to 7 UCs and have only received a confirmation from LA so far.

got ucb/ucla so far

Same as dota2fan.
I also got a Letter of Rec request from Berkeley.

I just got one from Santa Cruz today!

Received a confirmation from San Diego tonight.

@lkg4answers Me too

I received UCI, UCR, and UCSD today!