<p>Hey guys, I was wondering if this would work, and if any of you have done this. I'm from a single mother family (parents divorced) and have 2 siblings, 1 in college, and 1 kind of in college (she's 27 and a semi screw-up). My mom makes about 180,000 a year, but she does this by working 3-4 jobs. 2 full time teaching positions at 2 different colleges, on call nursing, and ER Nurse a couple weekends a month. My mom has always had to work 2-3 jobs while going to school and supporting all of us as my Dad was mentally ill (led to a divorce). Recently, she decided to quit her 4th job and I think maybe do one of her teaching positions part time, she really needs a break. However, I will be transferring next year, and my younger sister will be transferring the year after. I'm not sure, but I don't think that I would receive any financial aid (through Pell or Cal-Grant (is calgrant need based? or just gpa based). She said she'll make it through and maybe keep her jobs, but I honestly want her to take a break. She's been doing this for 20+ years now working Christmases, birthdays, everything. I wanted to know how I'd be able to get financial aid for the UCS/USC for next year so we wouldn't have to pay full tuition+room (she can definately not afford a full 28k/yr ....). Last year on my fafsa I wrote that I lived with my dad and told my mom to take me off her dependency and got the BOG waiver for my CCC. However, I haven't really followed through with all my paperwork to receive any checks. I'm wondering, if I fill out all the paper work (Dependency worksheet, dad's annual social security income etc...) will this theoretically work without any issue? Do the UC's do heavy investigation before awarding the government money, or will they just basically believe you as long as you show tax/social security income? I also don't want to take out loans for myself for undergrad because I'm sincerely invested in going to medical school.</p>
<p>Any advice would be greatly appreciated.</p>