Uc Help

UCSB vs UCSD pre-med program. Which is an overall better experience/decision? Planning on going to JHU Med School after I get my Bachelor’s. Give me good advice.

The UC’s do not have a “pre-med” program. You can major in anything you like as long as you take the Medical Pre-req courses. Both UC’s would fulfill that requirement. You want to attend a school where you will be able to get a competitive GPA 3.7+, that will prepare you to do well on the MCAT and give you access to medically related volunteer/shadowing/research opportunities.

Neither school will gurantee you a spot at John Hopkins. That will be all dependent upon you.

From what I’ve heard, UCSD has a more challenging and intellectually invigorating program for med school hopefuls. But ultimately, your success or acceptance into JHU will be based on how you use your time in college not which school you attend. Both UCSB and UCSD have many opportunities for you to be successful. :slight_smile: Hope that helps!

You can do well at either. UCSB does not have a medical school, whereas UCSD does. Both are excellent bioscience research universities. UCSD will probably feel more competitive, UCSB might feel more collaborative. They are both close to the coast with access to surf and beach culture, but the campus atmospheres are different. Visit both and see which you prefer.