UC History Departments

<p>Does anyone know which of these schools has the best History department?</p>


<p>I've done a bit of research on all four of these and it looks as if UCSD is somewhat better than the others. Looking just at the website, they appear to be a much more serious department (but I could, of course, be wrong about this). This makes sense, since UCSD is overall a better university than the other three.</p>

<p>^ actually, only if you're talking about certain fields of science.</p>

<p>In humanities, SD is actually behind these other schools in graduate rankings.
I'm at UCI, and I know that we have one of the stronger humanities departments in the UC system. I'm not sure if this carries over for history.</p>

<p>as sndebrosse said.
UCI has a STRONG humanities. So if history is in that area.. then I'd say UCI.</p>

<p>Thank you guys. Yes, based on my research UCI is a little better. I'd like more opinions though.</p>

<p>The one history class I've taken at UCD was very interesting, for what that's worth. I recommend checking out U.C</a>. Davis History Department - Main Page and see if any of that is of interest to you.</p>

<p>EDIT: also, check it out on DavisWiki!</p>

<p>Anyone else? =(</p>