UC honors courses???? Seriously????

<p>I go to school near Boston and have taken all Honors level and AP courses throughout highschool... but can I really not report the honors level courses as honors level??? Do they really make no distinction between honors and standard??? So would I write "Spanish IIH" or just "spanish II" for course??? And no, my school does not have a list of UC approved honors courses.</p>

<p>Also, if I was planning on double majoring in Business and Chemistry, could I apply to chemistry???</p>


<p>if you are OOS, the only UC-approve honors courses are AP/IB. Thus, everything else is NH (or CL if you took college classes somewhere).</p>

<p>You cannot apply to Haas as a Frosh. You could apply to Chem in Letters & Sciences or the College of Chem.</p>

<p>What about “unofficial AP” classes? My school offers advanced courses freshman/sophomore/junior year which are miles above honors and used to be called AP… do these count as honors level?</p>


<p>Nope, if they aren’t AP, then they don’t count. You could try and explain in the Additional Comments section though.</p>

<p>wait i did not know this…
i’m OOS and i put all off my normal honors courses as honors, not NH
uh oh. is this going to hurt me a lot?</p>

<p>just think of it this way:
since you are OOS, you are not compared with the In state application pool.
other OOS students are in the same situation as you so it doesn’t make a bit of difference.
you are not being singled out…
seriously…no big deal, just explain everything in your essays and additional comments.</p>